19. Dez. 2011 Lesezeit: 4 Min.

Aktuelles 19. Dezember 2011

Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:

  • Facebook For Android Finally Has More Daily Active Users Than Facebook For iPhone | TechCrunch Warum hat das so lang gedauert, wenn es so viel mehr Android-Geräte gibt? "The Android app launched in September 2009 more than a year after its iPhone sister and has been playing catch-up ever since. Both are developed internally by Facebook. This week the two were briefly tied, but the Android app is now pulling away with 58.3 million DAU compared to the iPhone app’s 57.4 million, according to the AppData tracking service."
  • Ladenzeile weicht Pinspire und geht an Springer-Konzern "Rocket Internet trennt sich von Ladenzeile und fokussiert sich stattdessen auf das für Kapitalgeber weitaus attraktivere Pinspire, das dem Vorbild Pinterest nacheifert, welches zuletzt mit 27 Mio. Dollar finanziert wurde."
  • A New Path: Path Grows Daily Users 30x Since Relaunch | TechCrunch Faszinierend: "Morin tells me that users are sharing more things on the new Path in a day then they had on the old Path in a year — at a rate of 12 moments per second. The company is seeing 30x the number of daily active users, going from 10K to 300K in two and a half weeks. Rumor has it that it’s seeing 100k downloads a day (Morin wouldn’t confirm)."
  • An Explanation For Why UMG May Be Right That It Can Pull Down MegaUpload's Video "I believe that part of the Vevo agreement is that UMG gets to "pull" videos of its own artists from YouTube for the purpose of putting them on Vevo. That's the intention anyway. I know when Vevo launched, that was part of the deal. All the YouTube videos of UMG artists magically jumped over to Vevo. So, I'm guessing that UMG basically used this loophole, which was supposed to be about taking videos off YouTube for the purpose of putting them on Vevo, and realized it could just "take the videos off YouTube" as long as they had UMG artists in them, without ever putting them up on Vevo."
  • Actually, Jobs In Making Movies Are On The Rise, Not Falling "In 2002, there were about 43,000 people employed in the actual production of movies and videos. In 2010? That number had jumped to 77,000. Not bad. So where are the few job losses coming from? Well, there are about 1,500 fewer jobs in "movie and video distribution," but that makes sense, since technology is making that area less important. Really, the only place in the industry that has seen a significant loss in jobs (and even then it's not that big) is in the movie theater business. Employment in movie theaters dropped from about 134,000 in 2002 to about 119,000 in 2010. That accounts almost entirely for the drop in total employment in the movie business from 392,000 down to 374,000 that the CRS report noted."
  • BREAKING: Live Nation Acquires BigChampagne
  • Foursquare's Crowley Feeling Friendlier Towards Google - Lauren Goode - Social - AllThingsD "Crowley said that if the company had to focus on one area right now, it would be nearby discovery, fed by the database that’s been built up over the past two and a half years. He even went as far as to say there’s been a de-emphasis on the flagship “check-in” feature, citing evidence that more people are using the app to get tips without actually checking in."
  • findings: Find, Organize, and Share Your Clips "Import highlights from the books you are reading, collect text from the web, and share them with your friends."
  • Last.fm Discover will Indie Bands leichter entdeckbar machen
  • The end of an era: Dell stops making netbooks Das Macbook Air dominiert seine eigene Sparte nicht so sehr wie das iPad seine netbookzerstörende: "The company is now focusing its attention on pricier Ultrabooks, the red hot new category of devices inspired by Apple’s popular MacBook Air. “Thin and powerful is where it is at for us,” Dell’s marketing director Alison Gardner told The Verge."
  • Echo Nest powers Spotify’s new radio app "As for the recommendation engine, The Echo Nest’s platform lets users create personalized radio stations based around songs or artists in Spotify’s catalogue of around 15 million tracks. The new functionality allows Spotify to directly compete with rival Pandora, which specializes in custom channel creation."
  • Box.net will den Enterprise-Markt knacken "Durch die Neuerungen bewegt sich Box.net wirklich massiv in Richtung Enterprise und bietet über die App Infrastruktur genügend Flexibilität für die Einbindung in Strukturen und Prozesse von Unternehmen."
  • heise online - Amazon verkauft gut 1 Million Kindles pro Woche "Zuletzt seien in den USA drei Wochen in Folge jeweils mehr als 1 Million Kindle verkauft worden, erklärte Amazon am Donnerstag. Die Zahl bezieht sämtliche Geräte der Produktfamilie ein, also die E-Book-Reader (Kindle, Kindle Keyboard, Kindle DX) und das Tablet Kindle Fire."
  • I live by the river! – 15 Geschichten | Spreeblick "Ich werde regelmäßig die aktuellen Verkaufszahlen hier veröffentlichen und ich möchte mit eurer Hilfe ausprobieren, ob ich es in die Verkaufscharts schaffe – und wie viele verkaufte Bücher dafür nötig waren. Sollten die Print-Verlage Recht haben, müsste das mit 50 Exemplaren zu machen sein. Gibt es jedoch den von digitalen Händlern beteuerten eBook-Boom, werde ich selbst mit 100 verkauften Büchern keinerlei Chance haben."
  • iTunes Match in Deutschland: Testvertrag mit GEMA für 1 Jahr
  • ProPublica makes it easier to see sources behind a story | Poynter. "The “Explore sources” button enables people who are deeply interested in the topic to explore documents themselves. It holds the reporter accountable for the facts in his story. And — although it wasn’t intended to — it creates another layer of fact-checking."
  • Aupeo! führt mit “The Crowd” kollektiven Musikkonsum ein
  • Facebook Nutzerzahlen Dezember 2011"Deutschland: 22,12 Mio. (+ 400.000 seit Oktober 2011) Schweiz: 2,73 Mio. (+ 20.000 seit Oktober 2011) Österreich: 2,68 Mio. (+ 40.000 seit Oktober 2011)"
  • "Das ist Twitters große Wette" "Deutschland ist für Twitter natürlich sehr wichtig und daher werden wir in Deutschland mehr investieren und präsenter sein. Wir finden gerade heraus, wo Twitter in Deutschland steht und wie wir hier vorankommen können. Aber wir haben noch keine Mitarbeiter in Deutschland, die das vorantreiben. Mitarbeiter zu akquirieren wäre der erste Schritt."
  • Universal has 'Tech News Today' episode yanked from YouTube for reporting on MegaUpload promo video | The Verge Copyright vs. Meinungsfreiheit.
  • Here’s a Surprise: Some of Facebook’s Users Actually Like the Timeline — SiliconFilter Die Einführung von Timeline sorgt bisher nicht für den Aufschrei der User, wie er sonst üblich ist bei neuen Facebook-Features: "As German Blogger Marcel Weiß pointed out to me earlier today, maybe the reason for this relatively positive reaction is the fact that this feature doesn't affect people's daily use of Facebook as much as the much-hated ticker, for example."
  • Accel Leads $14M Round In Cloud-Based, Visual Presentation Software Prezi | TechCrunch "Prezi, which was founded in Budapest, Hungary in 2009 by Adam Somlia-Fischer, Peter Halacsy, and Peter Arvai, essentially brings stunning visualizations into presentations and storytelling. The tool allows you to bypass classic the slide-by-slide presentations created by PowerPoint and create non-linear, story-telling visuals that are animated."

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Marcel Weiß
Unabhängiger Analyst, Publizist & Speaker ~ freier Autor bei FAZ, Podcaster auf neunetz.fm, Co-Host des Onlinehandels-Podcasts Exchanges
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