Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- The decline of the mobile web - newnetland The decline of the mobile web:
People are spending more time on mobile vs desktop:
And more of their mobile time using apps, not the web:
This is a worrisome trend for the web. Mobile is the future. What wins mobile, wins the Internet. Right now, apps are winning and the web is losing.
Moreover, there are…
- The Steve Jobs email that outlined Apple’s strategy a year before his death - Quartz
- Gabe Rivera Techmeme Interview - Business Insider "While top-level headlines on Techmeme and Mediagazer are now always gated by editors (nothing posts that we haven't first checked), our editors are frequently sifting through posts recommended by the automation before posting. And while second-tier links (the ones after "More:") are usually automatically placed, editors can change those too."
- Hallelujah, there’s a $30 bluetooth module for wearables on Kickstarter - newnetland Hallelujah, there’s a $30 bluetooth module for wearables on Kickstarter:
Stacey Higginbotham on GigaOm:
As Om Malik and I discussed on a podcast a while back, wearables are not a tech product. They are a fashion product with some tech inside. Thus they need to be cheap and varied so a wide array of people can match them to their outfits. To that end I wonder if the focus on wearables from tech firms like Motorola, Google and Intel really makes sense.
The guts may come from a tech giant, but the actual product should come from the fashion or design world. Even though the tech world is getting design religion, I can’t see it overtaking Gucci or Prada when it comes to fashion.
That is exactly right. It also begs the question wether a more modular approach to wearables would make more sense then what we see now as smartwatches.
- You Can Now Create Windows And Windows Phone Apps In One Go With Microsoft’s App Studio | TechCrunch Überfällig: "The above fits into Microsoft’s news today concerning universal application development that will see Windows 8.1 and Windows apps share code between them, user interface tweaks to better fit disparate screen sizes aside. Shared code lets developers move more quickly, likely making Microsoft’s increasingly unified platforms more interesting."
- Windows to be free on 9” and smaller tablets, also on IoT devices Ergibt Sinn: "Microsoft wants to ensure that it has a piece of the "Internet of Things" (IoT) pie, so Microsoft VP Terry Myerson announced that when Windows is available for IoT-type devices, it will be available for free."
- The five things people ignore when they talk about 3D printing
- 52 Days "Microsoft now seems committed to helping users by putting their software on the devices people actually use once again. It’s a simple point, but a vital one."
- The Filter Introduces Responsive Radio As Echo Nest Replacements Step Up "The Filter, a "personalisation and relevance technology provider" that includes Peter Gabriel as an investor, recently launched Responsive Radio as a "white label, personalised playlist generator for music streaming service providers." The new offering combines The Filter's "taste profile engine" with a new "adaptive playlist technology.""
- Streaming Fuels Digital Music Growth [CHART]
- The Wu-Tang’s self-defeating unique album "Lastly, and most importantly, the Wu-Tang Clan here are flying in the face of the very nature of music itself. Art and music are at two different ends of an important spectrum: art appreciation is fundamentally a solitary experience, which is one reason why people like to live with art in their own homes, and generally dislike overcrowded museums and galleries. Music, by contrast, is fundamentally a social experience. You might prefer small venues to large arenas — but you’d still rather go see a gig at a small venue than have a band play a set for you and you alone. That would be weird. It’s true that recorded music is often enjoyed in a solitary manner, through headphones. But even then the shared experience is important: file-sharing sites exploded in popularity not only because they allowed free access to music but also because the first thing that you want to do, when you listen to something you love, is to share it with others. The world’s biggest recording artists, including the Wu-Tang Clan, don’t achieve success purely through the intrinsic value of their music; they achieve success through the way in which their music is loved and shared. The love of music is a fundamentally communal experience, in a way that the appreciation of fine art is not. To turn an album into a unique object, belonging to just one person, is to defeat the very nature of music and music-making. This model from the Wu-Tang Clan does nothing for the cause of “reviving music as a valuable art”, to use their words. Instead, it simply mummifies and fetishizes it. It’s silly, and I hope it doesn’t catch on."
- How Dropbox Knows When You’re Sharing Copyrighted Stuff (Without Actually Looking At Your Stuff) | TechCrunch
- Pandora competitor Raditaz reemerges as CÜR Media, raises $9.6 million
- BandPage Raises $9.25 Million In New Funding "BandPage launched in 2010, becoming a hugely successful Facebook app. Surviving several major shifts in Facebook's rules for apps, BandPage has continued to develop as a musician services platform, with 500,000 artist users. “We are in the musician business,” said J Sider, Founder and CEO of BandPage, “the business of driving revenue growth and expanding fan bases.""
- Das verdient man mit Musik im Netz « Spreeblick interessanter Einblick.
- The Mobile Web Is Dead, It's All About Apps
- Box wants to let businesses control cloud encryption keys “this year” | Ars Technica
- Germany needs its own Skype-like exit, believes Linkedin co-founder
- The New York Times ’s New App Tries to One-Up Facebook
- Neil Young's Pono Kickstarter Passes $5.2 Million, But Younger Music Fans Show Little Interest
- "A lot of TV is 'Pandora for TV'" Exakt.
- Spotify No Longer Accepting New App Submissions, Plans To Extend Web API And Focus On Mobile SDKs Ergibt Sinn.
- Beats Music Sells Topspin To Transform Capital Das ist nicht lang zusammen geblieben.
- European Parliament passes strong net neutrality law, along with major roaming reforms — Tech News and Analysis
- Microsoft zielt mit Gratis-Windows auf Android
- Category Killer 2014: So schneiden die Online-Händler ab
- Line passes 400M users, but is there room to further innovate in mobile messaging?
- Spotify's new design is cleaner, darker and puts the focus on content Die wichtigste und überfälligste Neuerung: "Rather than being forced to save albums as playlists, users will simply be able to add them to their library for quick and easy access."
- Die Packstation und andere Engpässe für den Online-Handel
- ē Box, Microsoft, and the Next Enterprise Platform "Platforms are multi-sided; in the case of Box, they need to have all the data, serve all the devices, and, most critically, have developers. Developers, though, are very pragmatic: they care about opportunity, and opportunity is a function of market size and ability to monetize. The latter is much less of an issue in the enterprise as compared to the consumer, which leaves scale as the most important differentiator from a developer perspective when they decide which platform to support."
- Startup-Karte Berlins: Wo genau liegt eigentlich die Silicon Allee? | Gründerszene
- Is The Zero Marginal Cost Society The End Of Capitalism... Or A Way To Fix Capitalism?
- The decreasing importance of local VC?
- Mobile Music Piracy More Popular Than Torrents and Cyberlockers
- Es wird knapp: Donnerstag stimmt EU-Parlament über Netzneutralität ab
- Why The Closing Of Television Without Pity And Daily Candy Marks The End Of An Era
- RTL gibt wer-kennt-wen auf - studiVZ vor Wiederbelebung - deutsche-startups.de
- Crowdfunding-Plattform Indiegogo kommt nach Deutschland
- According to several people I’ve spoken to,... - newnetland “According to several people I’ve spoken to, Facebook found during testing that users who were switched to the new News Feed tended to spend less time on the site. Specifically, they spent less time browsing areas outside of the News Feed, like their friends’ profiles and event pages, which are currently some of the most visited parts of Facebook. After an investigation into the problem by Facebook’s data team, they discovered that the new News Feed was performing too well. It was performing so well from a design standpoint that users no longer felt the need to browse areas outside of the News Feed as often, so they were spending less time on the site. Unfortunately, this change in user behavior led to fewer advertisement impressions, which led, ultimately, to less revenue.” -
Dustin Curtis in Whatever goes up, that’s what we do
Fascinating if true. Facebooks once famously introduced the news feed despite its function of decreasing page views in the short term. German competitors like studiVZ did not introduce something similar because they didn’t want to lose any precious page impression.
If Facebook reached a point where they don’t innovate on the news feed because it is too successful it is time to worry about the company.
It makes them ripe for disruption. Especially now with the shift to mobile where the greatest feed will win.
- Spotify scheint Börsengang für Herbst 2014 zu planen
- Musikbusinessnews: Songza,De La Soul, Ticketfly und mehr
- European app makers are losing the fight for today’s battleground: your smartphone’s home screen
- Der Niedergang der Musikindustrie setzt sich fort - News Kultur: Musik - bazonline.ch
- “Zwölf Jahre als Sklave”: Indie-Übersetzung von Solomon Northups Klassiker überholt Verlags-Version "Aktuell steht “Zwölf Jahre als Sklave” bei Amazon immer noch auf Platz 105 der Kindle-Charts, die deutlich teurere Verlagsversion dagegen dümpelt auf Platz 2400 ff. herum, was nur wenigen verkauften Büchern pro Tag entspricht. Indie-Konkurrenz, das kann man daraus lernen, belebt in der digitalen Ökonomie nicht nur das Geschäft, sondern sorgt oft überhaupt erst für die notwendige Verbreitung von Inhalten."
- Digital Music Report 2013: Streaming-Dienste sind auf dem Vormarsch
- Das Ende vom Retweet? Twitter testet Share-Funktion für Tweets "Wenn sich die Änderungen für Twitter auszahlen, dann wurde alles richtig gemacht. Allerdings verliert Twitter hierdurch seine Individualität. Nutzer haben sich bewusst für Twitter entschieden, weil sie die Funktionsweise und die Geschwindigkeit von Twitter bevorzugt haben. Wenn die Aufbereitung der Inhalte und die Funktionen nun immer stärker an Facebook und Google+ angeglichen werden, welches Alleinstellungsmerkmal hat dann Twitter noch?" Exakt.
- Kickstarter Rockets Into the Mainstream After Facebook's $2B Oculus Buy | Wired Business | Wired.com
- Songza now pulls data from The Weather Channel to recommend music | VentureBeat | Media | by Tom Cheredar
- FireChat sees 100K app downloads a day with a huge uptake overseas — Tech News and Analysis "At various points this week it was the No. 1 iOS social networking app in Australia, Chile and Taiwan and No. 2 in Belgium, Israel, Norway and Sweden. The company wouldn’t reveal its download totals since launch, though, saying it’s holding onto that data point for competitive reasons."
- Scribd’s Subscription E-Book Service Moves Into Travel With The Full Lonely Planet Library | TechCrunch
- Foursquare adé: Instagram will Fotos künftig mit Facebook Places taggen. | Location Insider | Location-based Services und Local Commerce
- CD Baby Sync Licensing Paid $400K To Indie Artists In Last 3 Months Of 2013 "Divide $400,000 by 300,000 CD Baby artists and each would get a check for $1.33. But The CD Baby payouts represent a 70% increase over the previous quarter and 150% more than the same period in 2012. It also pushes the total that CD Baby has paid in sync royalties beyond $1 million."
- German TV giant ProSiebenSat.1 buys 20 percent of YouTube network The Collective
- IOT: Islands of Isolated Things? - newnetland IOT: Islands of Isolated Things?:
Bob O’Donnell at Tech.pinions on the need for standards for the Internet of Things to take off:
"While it’s unlikely that all the specific needs for potential vertical industries can be determined by a single set of standards, there’s no question in my mind that to even start the process of reaching millions of new “things” (let alone billions of them), significant industry-wide standards efforts around communications protocols, data structures and more need to get started—and soon. We have seen a few interesting efforts—including the Qualcomm driven AllJoyn initiative—but we need to see other larger players either join this organization or drive the creation of alternative or, preferably, complementary initiatives that can start to build the links that will be necessary to fulfill the dream of IOT."
- The Search For The Next Platform - newnetland The Search For The Next Platform: Fred Wilson: “So for the next few years (I have no idea how long this search for what’s next will go on), a game to be playing is building a platform that can plausibly be the next big thing. It’s a risky game. But the payoff can be large. And you can even start by crowdfunding your first round. Man I love this business.”
- De La Soul partners with BitTorrent to offer full-length mixtape download for free
- Weltbild-Insolvenz: Hugendubel muss Haupthaus schließen "Der stationären Buchhandel befindet sich mitten im Online-Tsunami. Nachdem die Jahre des "Jammerns und Zeterns" wenig geholfen haben, ist dort gerade alles denkbar."
- Facebook kauft Oculus - mehr als eine simple Übernahme
- Throwing sheep - newnetland Throwing sheep: Benedict Evans: “by plugging into the address book, camera, photo library, notifications etc the frictional barriers to doing a new social app fade away: the smartphone is a social platform in the same way that Facebook is. The obvious expression of this is WhatsApp and similar things that directly address the core Facebook use cases. But it seems to me that there’s at least as much potential in doing things that use the platform without trying to take over a core use case - things like throwing sheep. That is, the smartphone social platform enables a lot of experimentation with new ideas and behaviors that don’t need to be your core comms channel and that would never have worked on the web, and (for a bunch of reasons) might not have been possible on the desktop Facebook platform.”
- Sony is closing Crackle UK amid increased competition from Netflix and Amazon
- 10 best free things to do in Paris | Travel | The Guardian
- Why Disney Is Taking the Huge Risk of Buying Maker Studios | Variety
- Overview on home automation - newnetland Episode 183 of the Mac Power Users Podcast is a great overview on the current state of home automation. The magnificent Merlin Mann being the guest doesn’t hurt either.
- Disney to buy YouTube network Maker Studios for $500 million | Reuters YouTube ist eine veritable Plattform.
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