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Top-Thema: Google baut mit "Eddystone" eine Open-Source-Alternative zu iBeacon
Ars Technica über "Eddystone":
Eddystone is cross-platform—support is built into Google Play Services' Nearby API on Android, and it can be used via a library on iOS. Eddystone is also open source and is available on GitHub under the Apache v2.0 license (we'll update with links later once this all goes live). (..)
Sehr interessant (aber nicht überraschend, weil sehr im Interesse von Google) ist der Einsatz von URLs bei Eddystone:
URLs—Sending a URL instead of a UUID is much more universal and friction free—it just opens in a Web browser. While a loyal Starbucks customer may have no problem keeping the Starbucks app installed, a user standing in front of a soda machine really doesn't want to install a special app to just buy a soda. For those one-time data transactions, you'd want a URL. (..)
Gute Aussichten für Eddystone:
Wallace told us that developers and companies won't need a bunch of different boxes to support Apple and Google's competing beacon standards. All of Radius Networks' devices will supports iBeacon, Eddystone, and AltBeacon, Radius's own open source beacon standard. In fact, current beacon devices could work with Eddystone with just a firmware update—it's all just Bluetooth. The downside is that you won't be able to run iBeacon and Eddystone at the same time from a single beacon.
Und wie bereits beim URL-Aspekt angesprochen, alles sehr im Interesse von Google, was man auch auf API-Seite sehen kann:
As for the API side of things, Google will be launching a new cloud API called the "Proximity Beacon API," which allows them to register beacons and associate data to the beacons in the cloud. On the client side, Eddystone support will be rolled into Google's Nearby API which, along with picking up Eddystone's Bluetooth LE signals, will implement the packet parsing, frame formats, and all the necessary reception "glue" to make the system work. In Android, the Nearby API is part of Google Play Services, so every Android phone running Android 2.3 and higher able to listen to Google's beacons. For iOS, Google has a Nearby API library that developers can include with their app.
Thingonomics 6: Gebrauchter Fortschritt:
Martin Spindler und Marcel Weiß sprechen über die Daseinsberechtigung von vernetzten Dingen, den Fortschritt, unterschätzte Reibung und die oft irreführende Frage “ob man das überhaupt braucht”. Weitere Themen: Sprachsteuerung und konversationsbasierte Userinterfaces und Withings’ Switching-Kampagne.
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Weitere Berichte & Analysen
Amazon Echo unterstützt jetzt auch manche Wink-Geräte
All you need to do is configure the Wink hub with your smart home devices (as you normally would) and then connect the Amazon Echo using the official Echo app. Currently, Amazon's speaker supports Leviton's Decora Plug-In Appliance Control switch, Lutron's Caseta Plug-In Lamp Dimmer, as well as select GE LED lights.
Dazu passend formuliert Fortune (wenn auch etwas voreilig):
Amazon has just outmaneuvered Apple when it comes to the smart home.
Google cofinanziert IoT-Campus an der Carnegie Mellon University
Passend zum Top-Thema: Google hilft bei der Finanzierung eines IOT-Campus an der Carnegie Mellon University. Business Insider:
Google is helping Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh become a testing ground for Internet of Things solutions through a $500,000 grant and access to unreleased Google IoT technologies, according to the Pittsburgh Post Gazette. The plan is to outfit many of the campuses everyday items, ranging from coffee pots to bus stops, with wireless sensors to collect data and provide reactionary features. The university and city officials hope the technologies deployed at Carnegie Mellon will eventually be used citywide.
Target setzt auf (erlebnisbasiertes) Open House Shopping und erste Back-End-Integrationen
Fast interessanter als das exemplarische Open House des Handelsriesen Target sind die ersten Backend-Plattformintegrationen. Recode:
Target convinced some of the startups to give it backend access to the smart devices so they could connect with other devices in ways their makers hadn’t intended. As a result, shoppers will have to download a separate app called Yonomi to replicate some of the interactions on display in Open House’s vignettes. Target doesn’t have control over the Yonomi experience, which could lead to disappointed customers if they run into any trouble with the app.
trakkies: Ein Mesh-Netzwerk für alle Dinge
Ob aus dem Kickstarter-Projekt trakkies, an 'alles' anheftbare Minicomputer, am Ende ein funktionierendes Produkt wird oder nicht, das von Techdirt beschriebene Szenario wird auf die eine oder andere Art in naher Zukunft Einzug in den Alltag halten:
The network can communicate with lots of other smart devices and can be hooked into IFTTT for programmable behaviours based on a wide variety of factors. And the buttons on each node can be set up with context-sensitive functions — so the button on your coat could be set to tell you if your phone isn't with you, but serve as a music skip control if it is; it could check for your wallet and keys when you're getting off the bus, but turn on and off your smart lightbulbs when you're at home. Trakkies take a big leap beyond solving a simple problem, and actually spark excitement about the new things they could enable.