First, I don’t think most authors have competition (except television). The more you read, the better we do. That’s why bookstores are great places to sell books… even though all the competition is right there.
More relevant to you, the web works when you link out. Hoarding attention (like CNET did for a long time and does like crazy) is a no-win strategy. Shared attention doesn’t dissipate, it grows.
Seth Godin über das Verlinken (Hervorhebung von mir)
Recht hat er. Es ist ja kein Nullsummenspiel.
Meine zwei Grundregeln seit je her, was das Verlinken hier und nun auch auf angeht (aus Dramatikgründen auf englisch):
- Give some linklove, get some linklove.
- Link out like your life depends on it.
Ich mag Links.
[…] » Links make the world go ’round First, I don’t think most authors have competition (except television). The more you read, the better we do. That’s why bookstores are great places to sell books… even though all the competition is right there. (tags: zitat links verlinkung blog) Linkdump […]