Techmeme-Macher Gabe Riviera erklärt, wie man als englischsprachige Onlinepublikation auf dem populären halbautomatischen Technews-Memetracker Techmeme (dem Vorbild des deutschen Rivva) landen kann.
Der Artikel ist vor allem lesenswert, weil er nicht nur für Techmeme gilt, sondern gleichzeitig praktisch an einem Platz einmal alle Regeln zusammenfasst, die für gute Online-Berichterstattung gelten.
Revealed: Why Techmeme links to them instead of you! - Techmeme News:
- Break a major story.
- Report/summarize/write up a big, developing story. Be early, or better: first (mindful that this doesn't trump other considerations).
- Got a press release or non-exclusive briefing? Write the very best take. Highlight what's important, what's fascinating. Be lucid and critical.
- Make sure your headline is clear and contains all major details (proper names, dollar amounts, dates, etc.) If you're posting on Google+, make sure the first line of your post functions as a headline.
- Link generously to stories on other sites to establish context and cite sources. Sometimes including a Techmeme permalink is the best way to do this. (Self-serving but true!)
-Articulate something lots of people are thinking, but not putting into words.
- Write the kind of story an Apple or Google exec would share with their fellow execs.
- Write the kind of story people will talk about at an industry cocktail party.
- Write the killer analysis piece that tech pundits can't help but to link to. Yes, be a "thought leader". If your post is linked enough, the automation behind Techmeme will notice and attempt to surface it.
- Tip Techmeme on Twitter. (Include "Tip @Techmeme" when you tweet your link.)
- Summarize a major story that's behind a paywall. Techmeme rarely features paywalled stories, but may link to you. Link prominently to the source story, of course.
- Say what you're going to say early in your post. The reader wants to know soon whether there's a payoff to reading, not 8 paragraphs in.
- Include relevant images, videos, or figures in your post.
- Time some analytical pieces for weekends and other slow times when they're easier for Techmeme to discover.
Techmeme ist seit über 5 Jahren die erste Anlaufstelle für mich, um bei weltweiten Technews auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben. Das Gleiche gilt für viel andere Beobachter aus aller Welt. Techmeme-Macher Gabe Riviera weiß also, wovon er spricht.