Weitere Musikbusinessnews der letzten Tage:
- Warum CC nicht gleich CC ist und man NC nicht benutzen sollte : sooth.de
- Ubuntu-integrated Cloud Music Player ‘Nuvola’ Sees New Release, Adds Lucid Support „Supports 4 cloud music services, including Google Music and Grooveshark“
- Universal Music Takes Down 50 Cent’s Official YouTube Video „We’ve been hearing lots of similar stories lately of UMG being pretty quick on the trigger to take down videos, even ones that its own artists have been releasing. The label got a lot of attention over the bogus takedown of the MegaUpload video, but it seems like UMG pretty much feels free to take down videos all the time, even those that the artists they’re claiming to „protect“ want up.“
- Rhapsody tops 1M paying subscribers, and its president has the shaved head to prove it – GeekWire
- RIAA: Someone Else Is Pirating Through Our IP-Addresses | TorrentFreak „Considering the RIAA’s past of suing tens of thousands of file-sharers for copyright infringement, the excuse is perhaps even more embarrassing than taking full responsibility. When some of the 20,000 plus people who were sued by the RIAA over the years used the “someone else did it” excuse this was shrugged off by the music group’s lawyers. Can these people have their money back now? We doubt it.“
- Vevo by the numbers: 3.7B views, $100M royalties — Online Video News „Vevo clocked 3.6 billion video views globally in October and is expected to have reached 3.7 billion views worldwide in November, the major label-owned music video platform announced today. In December 2009, that number was at 341 million views.“
- Echo Nest powers Spotify’s new radio app „As for the recommendation engine, The Echo Nest’s platform lets users create personalized radio stations based around songs or artists in Spotify’s catalogue of around 15 million tracks. The new functionality allows Spotify to directly compete with rival Pandora, which specializes in custom channel creation.“
- Little Know D.I.Y. Artist Linda Chorney Networks Her Way To Grammy Nomination „This relatively unknown 52 year old singer/songwriter received a Grammy nomination in Americana with almost indiscernible record sales and mostly limited YouTube views. How did she do it? She networked on GRAMMY365.“
- Spotify Apps | Pansentient League – a Spotify Blog Übersicht über Spotify-Apps.
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