The Kernel, ein noch recht junges Tech-Teamblog aus London, kommt nach Deutschland, wie Milo Yiannopoulos, Gründer und Chefredakteur von The Kernel, heute in einer Email verkündet.
Ein Auszug:
Since we launched, almost a year ago, in London, we have realised that it wasn't just London crying out for proper journalism in tech, but that other cities feel under-served too. In fact, we've been inundated with requests from other European capitals who feel their local tech bloggers aren't cutting the mustard. Of all those cities, Berlin is perhaps the one with the most pressing need. You might have noticed a bit more German content recently. Well, this is why.
The local blogs in Germany are - there's no kind way to put this - widely ridiculed, despite some talented local writers. Start-ups tell us they are desperately frustrated by the lack of mid-market publications in their industry and with the lack of professionalism from the blogs, who act like divas but write like drudges.
So we're coming. And not just to Berlin, but to Cologne, Munich and anywhere else we find big ideas. As Editor-in-Chief, my personal commitment is as follows: I will be spending a week per month, and sometimes more, in Berlin, meeting start-ups, investors, corporates and key players to learn more about the scene and to discover talented people in it who would like to share the benefits of their experience and expertise with others. I've taken a room in an apartment in Mitte so I have a permanent base in the city.
We will continue to write in English, because there's no point singing a country's praises if the only people who can read your work are already there. In time, with sufficient talent on board and a steady stream of good content, we'll be able to develop a German edition of The Nutshell, our phenomenally popular subscription newsletter for the London tech scene.
(Hervorhebungen von mir)
The Kernel ist manchmal ein bisschen zu selbstsicher bis hin zur Arroganz, was man auch im obigen Zitat sehen kann. Wer darüber hinwegsehen kann, bekommt bei The Kernel regelmäßig interessante Perspektiven auf das aktuelle Techgeschehen, die sich oft wohltuend von den Sichtweisen der US-Techblogs unterscheiden.
Mehr europäische Publikationen zur Internetwirtschaft sind außerdem immer eine gute Sache.