Der französische Streaming-Anbieter Deezer hat 5 Millionen zahlende Nutzer verkündet. Deezer ist nicht in den USA verfügbar. Man konzentriert sich stattdessen auf möglichst viele andere Länder. Das Rezept scheint aufzugehen.
Deezer claims that its 30 million track figure makes it currently the world’s biggest music streaming provider. And to put the 5 million paying subscribers in context, this is more than double the 2 million that Deezer reported in October 2012, when it announced a monster round of $130 million in funding that the Paris-based streaming company raised to push into international markets.
Still, that 5 million is also almost certainly some way shy of what Spotify is pulling in with paid users right now. The last numbers we have for Deezer’s Swedish rival are from March 2013, when it had 6 million — a figure that is almost certainly higher eight months on. Spotify is reportedly in the process of raising money at a $5.3 billion valuation, although the company is not commenting on this right now.
Spannend ist die Ankündigung, neben den enthusiastischen Musikfans, die die heutige Zielgruppe für On-Demand-Streaming ausmachen, mit einem zusätzlichen Dienst auch eher die Gelegenheitsnutzer abzuholen. Hier liegt enormes Potenzial (das last not least auch lizenzrechtlich interessant ist, weil man stärker auf Radiolizenzen setzen kann):
He says that Deezer is developing a paid — not free — service that it will launch next year that will sit alongside its existing subscription service, but aimed at less frequent music consumers.
“Right now, we are the best service for people who are in ‘music collection mode,’” he told me. “But this is not all people. If you were a guy who used to, before 2000, buy two CDs per year you are not in ‘collection mode.’ You won’t contemplate a streaming service. We will adapt the service for these other users.”
Deezer verfolgt diese Strategie bereits mit einer dedizierten Klassik-App, die unter anderem gemeinsam mit der Deutschen Grammophon herausgegeben wird.
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