Die Digitalisierung, also die Verbreitung von Computern und ihre Vernetzung, nimmt die Wirtschaft auseinander und setzt sie neu zusammen. Was oft als Medienkonvergenz zusammengefasst wird, ist in Wirklichkeit ein hochkomplexer Vorgang, der, weil er immer mehr Branchen betrifft und sie mit anderen vermischt, immer schwieriger auch nur ansatzweise überschaubar wird.
Benedict Evans, ein Londoner Analyst, der jetzt für Andreessen Horowitz arbeitet, fasst es so zusammen:
I’m pretty sure it’s not possible to have a really deep understanding of all of, say:
- The mobile semiconductor industry and the competitive positioning of Mediatek, Rockchip and Qualcomm
- The mobile handset market and the interaction of Apple, Samsung and the Chinese OEMs
- The online music business
- The latest developments in ad-tech
- Games
- SEO, social sharing and user acquisition across desktop web, mobile web and apps
- Power and processing budgets for very cheap/low-power hardware (Android, drones, thermostats, wearables, HDMI dongles…)
No-one can be an expert on all of those, yet all of them are relevant to someone trying to understand mobile ecosystems. And as mobile and software eat the world, more and more previously separate things overlap and become relevant to each other. For 20 years we’ve been talking about the ‚convergence‘ of the three industries of ‚TMT‘, Tech, Media and Telecoms, but now it’s finally happening and they’re not so much converging as colliding, like galaxies. (And a few new galaxies are smashing into the mix as well, like retail). That means there are even more things to keep track of and understand, because the opportunity set for new and disruptive businesses is expanding massively.
Nicht zu wissen, wie eine Industrie im Detail arbeitet, kann für Neueinsteiger, die mit den Mitteln von heute Dinge anders machen, natürlich auch von Vorteil sein:
The problem is, this sort of ignorance and misunderstanding is often how we get true disruption – people are so ignorant that they don’t know something can’t be done and won’t work, so they go and do it, and it works. Dropbox and Paypal are particularly good examples of this[..]
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