TechCrunch analysiert einen geleakten Vertrag (via Digital Music News), den SoundCloud wohl mit Labels für sein neues Angebot abschließen wird:
SoundCloud would pay 10.5 percent of its revenue including ads or about 22 percent of what it makes on sound recording rights — whichever is higher, according to the contract. The document proposes a deal for the aggregated independent labels, and implies similar deals could be reached with each of the three major record labels: Warner Brothers, Sony and Universal. A Most Favored Nation clause could keep compensation to the NMPA publishers equal to any deals with the majors once market share is taken into account.
Bezüglich eines werbefreien Soundcloud-Angebots:
One tier, codenamed “Additional Services,” would let users pay for an audio and visual ad-free experience and download a limited amount of music, presumably similar to syncing options from services like Spotify. Labels could take $0.18 per Additional Services per user per month if it’s higher than the revenue or sound recording rights income for this tier.
However, this would still only offer access to a limited catalog of music. A “SoundCloud Full Catalog Subscription Service” would offer paid access to an even wider array of music. Labels could get $0.80 per user per month for this tier if it’s higher than the other compensation arrangements.
Dazu kommt eine Vorauszahlung von 350.000 $ für die Vereinigung der unabhängigen Musikpublisher.
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