11. Okt. 2018 Lesezeit: 2 Min.

Amazon auf dem Weg, der dritte Werberiese zu werden: Immer mehr Unternehmen verschieben Hälfte ihres Budgets von Google zu Amazon

Der Umbruch im Werbemarkt, hin zu Amazon als starken dritten Player neben Google und Facebook, ist ein Strang, den ich seit 2 Jahren verfolge. Vor anderthalb Jahren schrieb ich auf dem mittlerweile eingestellten 'Early Moves'-Blog darüber, dass Amazon die größte Gefahr wird, die Googles Kernwerbegeschäft je gesehen hat:

For Google, this is a huge problem. The most lucrative AdWords are those for transactional searches, people looking to buy something. The more categories that get taken over by Amazon (and maybe other retailers along the way), the less advertising money Google will make.

Mittlerweile erscheinen regelmäßig Zahlen, die diesen Trend unterstreichen.


Some advertisers are moving more than half of the budget they normally spend with Google search to Amazon ads instead, amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars, according to execs at multiple media agencies.[...]

Google is the dominant digital advertising platform in the U.S., and will take in an estimated 37 percent of digital ad budgets in 2018. Although Alphabet does not disclose the breakdown of its ad revenue, most estimates believe the vast majority comes from search ads — approximately 83 percent in the year to date, according to research from eMarketer.

​Amazon-Ads ergeben nur Sinn für Produktkategorien, die aktuell gut auf Amazon funktionieren oder zumindest dort präsent sind:

Not all categories of brands are shifting money to Amazon — most of the movement is coming in consumer packaged goods, while huge and lucrative advertising categories such as automotive and travel are not yet moving to Amazon.

​Der wichtigste Punkt hier ist vielleicht die Aussage, "it directly correlates to sales":

Executives at six media agencies confirmed Amazon is making huge inroads in advertising, supporting the recent eMarketer report that the tech giant has become the third-largest U.S. digital advertising platform behind Google and Facebook.

One exec from a large agency said some brands find Google search ads "quaint" and want their budgets moved to Amazon because it directly correlates to sales. About 49 percent of product searches begin on Amazon, according to Survata.

Another said clients appreciate Amazon is a seamless shopping experience. Using a Google search ad to lead to a purchase may require a person to set up an account and input their credit card information with a separate website. Especially for smaller brands, there's not really an advantage between selling direct to the consumer versus selling through Amazon.

Those budgets have to come from somewhere.

While some of the dollars are being siphoned from print, TV and programmatic display advertising, one executive at a large agency said some clients who sell products on Amazon are moving between 50 and 60 percent of their allocated Google search ad dollars specifically to Amazon. The shift amounts to hundreds of millions of dollars a year, he noted.

​Was wiederum zu "no choice" führt:

"Every company I know that sells on Amazon is basically moving budget to Amazon because they have no choice," Douglas said.

​Amazon ist in einer sehr bequemen Situation, die es auch anderen Onlinehändlern in manchen Kategorien schwer machen wird, zu konkurrieren. (Amazon kann die Marge senken, wenn es andere große Einkommensströme hat.)

Es stimmt zwar, dass es vergleichbares im Handel immer schon gegeben hat. Supermarktketten "verschenken" nicht einfach die wertvollen Regalplätze auf Augenhöhe. Und Amazon "verschenkt" nicht mehr die ersten Suchergebnisse und andere wertvolle Positionen. Aber die Größenordnung und die sich daraus ergebenden Implikationen sind doch sehr viel anders. Dazu später mehr.

Marcel Weiß
Unabhängiger Analyst, Publizist & Speaker ~ freier Autor bei FAZ, Podcaster auf neunetz.fm, Co-Host des Onlinehandels-Podcasts Exchanges
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