Zu den interessantesten Einblicken in den anhaltenden Umbruch in der Medienbranche zählen die Zitatsammlungen, die Digiday anonym ('Chatham House'-Regel) von seinen Veranstaltungen regelmäßig veröffentlicht.
Jüngst vom Digiday Publishing Product Leaders Retreat:
“People are going to cap out of a couple of subscriptions. We’re always going to rank below Apple Music, Spotify and Netflix.”
“There are so many subscriptions in the market that it’s very saturated.”
“People still believe news should be free. You have to constantly remind them of what they’re getting from you that they can’t get elsewhere.”
Besonders interessant auch die Aussagen über die Herausforderungen mit Plattformen:
“Uploading something to the Amazon Skill store feels like uploading something to the app store ten years ago. Where am I supposed to go? who can help us with this?”
“There’s no viewability metrics in email. So you can just say, ‘This is 100% viewable.’”
“We haven’t focused on Apple News for a long time because it doesn’t deliver any revenue.”
“We get this Apple News digest every week, showing here’s how many people saw your content
every week it just gets bigger and bigger, and we just worry, ‘Eventually these people are just going to stop coming to us directly.”
Im letzten Zitat steckt das gesamte Dilemma mit Plattformen und dem klassischen Konflikt kurzfristig vs. langfristig.