Weitere Musikbusinessnews der letzten Tage:
- gigflip.com - Tickets Konzertkarten Eintrittskarten online | Fanbooking | Wunschkonzerte "Entscheide in Votings, wo das Konzert stattfinden soll und sichere Dir Dein Ticket"
- Prince in Berlin – Chronologie eines Ticketvorverkaufs - texte - ticcats - Die Ticketsuche "Dirk Becker Entertainment deaktiviert noch gegen Abend auf der Facebook Fanpage die Rezensionsfunktion (dort war die Seriosität des Unternehmens durch die Kunden infrage gestellt worden) und löscht ganze Beiträge inklusive aller Kommentare durch die User."
- SoundCloud Opens 5th Ave. NYC Office
- PrivCo | APPLE Acquires BEATS Electronics For "Unjustifiable" Valuation: The True Financial Story Of BEATS Electronics: Was Debt-Heavy, Low-Margin "Distressed Asset"
- Spotify: We Make Revenue From Pirates Who Never Pay
- Bligg über die Chancen im Netz, das Auslaufmodell CD und 360° die nur 280 sind "Die grossen Major-Labels verkaufen allen ihren Künstlern das so genannte 360° Modell, die meisten haben aber höchstens die Kapazitäten und das Know-how um einen Teil der Leistungen erbringen zu können. Die hohle Hand machen Sie für 360°, die Umsetzung findet dann aber eher bei 280° statt."
- Spotify Pricing Index
- Sonos app hits big 5.0: Universal search, smarter playlists, more - SlashGear
- Beats Music for iPad "What I first wrote about Beats Music still holds true today: the focus on editorial curation matters and I believe is what will further differentiate music streaming services going forward. With more services (including iTunes Radio) expanding their curation features, Beats Music's editorial team needs to iterate faster and push to have their work more visible in the app's front page. There's still a lot of friction to assemble Sentences, and playlists that would be suitable for a quick Hit Play are oftentimes buried into navigation, reducing the likeliness of being discovered and enjoyed."
- Audio engineering pioneer John Meyer: Stop chasing the next big thing, and go with FLAC instead
- Record industry finds a new way to squeeze Pandora, but it won’t help musicians "Even if the record labels win, Pandora would likely respond by ceasing to play the older songs rather than paying yet another licensing fee. And if its legal bills mount much higher, it may simply go out of business — an outcome that would delight certain Pandora haters, but that would do nothing to bring in more money."
- Samsung’s Milk Music has been downloaded 380,000 times
- Rdio To Start Offering Higher Quality Streams – MacStories
- Deezer CEO Axel Dauchez to step down in September ahead of US launch "L’Opinion’s Hugo Sedourmane speculated that Axel Dauchez’s departure was due to investor disappointment following a delay in Deezer’s roll-out to the United States, or international expansion stalls in general; meanwhile, other sources quoted a Deezer spokesperson as saying that Dauchez already had a second gig lined up, with L’Express speculating that Dauchez might have been tapped for the DG France role at Netflix, who is set to launch in France before the end of this year."
- Prince's WMG Deal Stems From U.S. Laws That Support Master Recording Copyright Termination
- Synchronize Your iTunes Library with Spotify with a Click
- The first unit is expensive: Wu-Tang Clan edition
- MPAA and RIAA Members Uploaded Over 2,000 Gigabytes to Megaupload "However, data from Megaupload’s database shared with TorrentFreak shows that employees of MPAA and RIAA member companies had hundreds of accounts at the file-storage site. This includes people working at Disney, Warner Bros., Paramount, 20th Century Fox, Universal Music Group, Sony, and Warner Music.In total, there were 490 Megaupload accounts that were connected to MPAA and RIAA members, who sent 181 premium payments in total. Together, these users uploaded 16,455 files which are good for more than 2,097 gigabytes in storage.Remember, those are only from addresses that could be easily identified as belonging to a major movie studio or record label, so the real numbers should be much higher."
- Copyright Maximalists' Incredible Sense Of Entitlement: If It Challenges The Biz Model We Chose, It Must Be Illegal "One thing we've discussed in the past is that the gatekeepers (and it always is the gatekeepers) have an issue of constantly overvaluing the content and undervaluing the service. That is, any time they see a new service come along that the public really likes, they insist that all or nearly all of the value must be attributable to the content and not the service. Thus, they will always argue that "the service" is somehow ripping them off. We've seen it over and over again, from ringtone royalties to Guitar Hero to Pandora and others."
- The Dash – Wireless Smart In Ear Headphones by BRAGI LLC. — Kickstarter "World's First Wireless Smart In Ear Headphones. 1000 Songs. Performance Tracking. Body Sensors. Secure Fit."
- Researchers Claim That Releasing YouTube Music Videos Reduces Album Sales "YouTube is a major streaming music service that's monetized primarily by advertising. The researchers leave out that revenue in their calculation of loss which is one of many glaring errors in that calculation.However the major streaming music service part they got right. That means that YouTube competes with any other source of music whether physical, streaming or downloaded. So, yes, some people will choose to go to YouTube for the big singles that all get made into visually appealing videos. And they won't buy the album because they have a legal video alternative that's better than an MP3 and cuts out all the filler."
- Imogen Heap crowdfunding an Open Source version of Musical Glowes | Open Electronics "Imogen Heap is crowdfunding an Open Source version of the state-of-the-art wearable tech that let’s control sounds with your hands."
- Google Play Music adds built-in Sonos support on Android | The Verge