Weitere Musikbusinessnews der letzten Tage:
- Pandora Continues Rise: Listener Hours Up 76%
- Move over Amazon MP3 store, Spotify hits Kindle Fire — Mobile Technology News
- Die Zahnlücke der GEMA | Telepolis "Die Vorstellung, dass jemand wegen der schönen Musik zum Zahnarzt gehe, war den Richtern dann doch zu albern."
- Who Are The World’s Highest Paid DJs?
- Bandcamp Adds New Features To Sell Merchandise
- Music Labels Have No Plans To Share Any Money They Get From The Pirate Bay With Artists | Techdirt Völlig überraschend.
- Ticketfly takes $22M to keep up its rapid growth: venues up 65% in 2012
- Why Copyright Is Evil"Can musicians sit back and collect royalties and a share of the huge monopoly profits of yesteryear? Nope. But, those were the days of the golden handcuffs and the chosen few. The only artists who whine and complain now about those “good old” days are eitherOld artists who came up in the old days and are wistful of the time when they only had to record an album every three years to earn 5 times what they earn now, or Young artists who are too lazy to boot-strap things themselves and wish success was handed to them."
- Musikdienst Deezer ausprobiert "Für meinen persönlichen Anwendungsbereich rangiert Deezer nach Spotify und Rdio auf Platz 3, zu mehr hat es nicht bei mir gelangt. "