Weitere Musikbusinessnews der letzten Tage:
- Neil Young reveals Pono music player, promises ‘the best sound anyone can get’
- Music Blogs: Little Engines Power Big Things So You Can Be Lazy
- Radio Reddit: Homespun Hits, Crowdsourced Curation, Melodious Memes
- RIP RjDj: Developer Pivots, Retires Legendary, Immersive App | Evolver.fm "Launched four years ago, RJDJ is one of the most innovative music apps ever, for the way it used the microphone on your iPhone (or, better yet, the one on your headphone cable) to grab snippets of sound from the outside world and weave those into intelligently-generated musical “scenes,” which rotated between motifs and elements. Bands could create their own scenes, which you could grab within the app for a dollar or two. Meanwhile, users could use the app to make their own “reality remixes” based on their surroundings. It worked great on the subway."
- Musicians Rejoice: Apple Approves Audiobus for Zapping Sound Between Apps "“Audiobus is analogous to audio cables,” developer Michael Tyson told Evolver.fm in April when Audiobus was in alpha. “It lets you stream audio between two apps, on the same device… Users will be able to stream the output of audio apps straight into other apps, e.g. live-loopers or DAWs [digital audio workstations], playing along in sync with tracks.”"
- Kommentar zur neuen Musikschaffenden.ch Kampagne gegen Schweizer Unternehmen welche vermeintlich Piraterie unterstützen
- Apple macht Musiknetz Ping dicht
- VEVO: 40B Videos Watched Globally In The Last Year, Mobile Traffic Doubled In Q2 To 1.3B Streams
- Ubuntu One Music Store Launches Online
- Universal Music CEO: We're Not In This To Make Art | Techdirt "It always seems that, in these discussions, there's often an implicit conflict between art and commerce, when there doesn't need to be. But if someone's defending commerce, it should be clear that's what they're defending, and they shouldn't try to confuse that by claiming that they're really defending art or culture. Art and culture will live on no matter what. Commerce will shift around to the markets most appropriate. Neither need defending on their own, as they seem to survive just fine. The only thing struggling is one particular sector of the entertainment industry which built a "hit driven" business based on being a gatekeeper. And now we live in a world where such gatekeepers aren't necessary, and businesses can be built in other ways."
- Play It Again, Sam? Nokia Launches Free Music Streaming Service In U.S. | TechCrunch
- Urheber im Dialog: "Das unzulängliche Recht nervt" ""Wenn ich meine Songs verschenken möchte, will die GEMA dafür Geld haben. Das behindert mich an allen Ecken und Enden", schimpfte van Org. Vor allem das Urheberwahrnehmungsgesetz sei vermurkst: "Ich sollte mir aussuchen können, wer meine Rechte wahrnimmt.""
- Universal Music Uses Bogus DMCA Claim To Take Down Negative Review Of Drake's Album | Techdirt Lite
- Deezer Begins to Roll out Across Asia
- Do DJs Really Just ‘Press Play?’ 8 iOS Apps Help You Find Out
- SoundExchange And BandPage Partner To Help Claim $2 Million In Unpaid Royalties
- Gema verlangt 52.000 Euro Gebühren-Nachzahlung für Musik bei "langer Tafel" | WAZ.de "Die Verwertungsgesellschaft für Urheberrechte Gema fordert 52.000 Euro Nachzahlung für das Abspielen von Musik während der Gastronomie-Veranstaltung "Lange Tafel" in Düsseldorf-Oberkassel. Der Tafel-Veranstalter hält die Gebühren für völlig überzogen. Nun landet der Streit vor dem Landgericht."