Weitere Musikbusinessnews der letzten Tage:
- Rhapsody & Napster Partner With The Echo Nest For New Rhapsody Radio
- Pandora’s iOS and Android apps now support Google’s Chromecast streaming stick
- Why is Google Putting Money into a Music Label?
- 98.9% Of All Tracks Sell Less Than 1000 Copies and Other Music Industry Fun Facts
- 5 Things To Expect From YouTube's Music Video Subscription Service
- Spotify versteckt Unlimited-Option Das werbefinanzierte Unlimited dürfte zu teuer für Spotify sein.
- Rhapsody loss deepens amid management shakeup, regulatory filing shows
- The Best Music Download Stores You're Not Using (but Should)
- Amazon Cloud Player for iPhone: The Champion Of Mobile Music Players
- Männertausch bei Deezer und Simfy | Gründerszene "Erneuter Wachwechsel im Musikstreaming-Bereich: Der Simfy-Gründer Gerrit Schumann wird neuer Vice President Europe bei Deezer (außerhalb Frankreichs). Damit wechselt er zur Konkurrenz, nachdem er im Juli dieses Jahres das eigene Unternehmen verließ und die Rolle des CEOs an Alexander Herbst übergab."
- Musikstreaming: Fünf wichtige Updates zu Spotify, Ampya, Deezer, Simpfy und Wimp Gute Übersicht über ein paar aktuelle Entwicklungen.
- iTunes Radio Delivers 2 Billion Songs Since Launch
- Why iTunes doesn’t support FLAC files >> Kirkville "Supporting FLAC in iTunes and on iOS devices could be a legal nightmare for Apple. Many open source software algorithms can be targets of patent trolls. While no one cares much about FLAC use in small apps and hardware devices, were a big company such as Apple – or Microsoft, who doesn’t support FLAC either – to start supporting that format, it’s very likely that someone would dredge up a patent and seek copious damages."
- Amazon Music Downloads Are Cheaper Than iTunes 78% Of The Time, But Apple Still Dominates
- Musicians: Don't Let Google Hijack Your Brand With "Shared Endorsements"
- YouTube Tells Music Copyright Infringer To Contact Himself To Resolve Dispute