Weitere Musikbusinessnews der letzten Tage:
- ECC-Studie zur Kundenzufriedenheit: Ein Musikhaus hängt Amazon und Co ab | etailment "Die Top Ten der deutschen Online-Shops in Sachen Kundenzufriedenheit führt ein Hidden Champion an. Das ist das Ergebnis der bislang größten Kundenzufriedenheitsstudie des deutschen E-Commerce von ECC Handel und Hermes. Gewinner ist der Spezialversender Musikhaus Thomann."
- Englische Fahnder beschlagnahmen Musikseite › netzpolitik.org "Wie Techdirt berichtet, wurde die Website RnB Exclusive von der britischen Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) aufgrund “Gewerbsmäßiger Urheberrechtsverletzungen” beschlagnahmt. RnB Exclusiv war laut Angaben von Techdirt lediglich ein Austauschforum für Musikinteressierte, Copyrightverletzungen kamen vor Allem über Beiträge von Nutzern des Portals zustande."
- Techdirt: Sony Music Raised Prices On Whitney Houston's Music... Less Than 30 Minutes After She Died
- Digital Music News - Music Funding Already Up 27% In 2012... "Music-related financing collapsed during the second-half of 2011, though maybe that was just a temporary tank. Because in the first month of 2012, music-focused companies grabbed an impressive $65.55 million in financing, a jump of more than 26.5 percent over January funding levels last year." Allein 50 Millionen davon gingen an SoundCloud.
- Little Big Details "Mixcloud - The favicon indicates whether the music is playing or paused."
- Discover New Music For Free With The New & Improved Spotify Radio "Spotify Radio can be used in many different ways:- As a radio station creator, as the name suggests: Make a selection, press ‘Play‘, and you’ll have music blasting until you press ‘Stop‘. As a tool for discovering new music: You love a particular band but have listened to them to death, then Spotify Radio will help you find artists of a similar style or mood. As a means of discovering what’s popular: Keeping tabs on the ‘Popular‘ stations as shown in the screenshot above."
- Soundcloud turns Instagram pics into retro slideshows — Tech News and Analysis Storywheel.cc allows Instagram users to import their favorite photos and then simply record an audio narrative via Flash in their browser while clicking through their slides. The mashup is the newest product out of Soundcloud Labs, and was produced by two Soundcloud employees at a hackathon last year. Ljung told me via telephone that the company may add support for other image hosters down the line.
- Jonathan Coulton Lesenswerter Text von Musiker Jonathan Coulton. "I believe in copyright. I benefit from it. I don’t want it to go away. I love that we have laws and people to enforce them. But if I had to give up one thing, if I had to choose between copyright and the wild west, semi-lawless, innovation-fest that is the internet? I’ll take the internet every time."
- Shazam Player Is a Music Player for iOS with a Lyrics Database and Social Features "The biggest feature is the addition of LyricPlay. This scans a lyrics library online and mixes it in with the music already on your device. If you like, you can display those lyrics in a karaoke-view to help you sing along. You can also set it up to share what you're listening to on Facebook and Twitter. If you're interested in learning more about a band, the player also links out to bios, tour dates, and YouTube videos with a single click."
- Pandora is leading the internet radio front by entering your car | VentureBeat "The company’s updated metrics state that Pandora is now available on over 450 connected devices, including many automotive music systems. And the car radio is arguably one of the few places where radio still matters in our ultra connected world of mobile devices. So, Pandora having partnerships with 23 auto companies (up from the four partnerships it had a year ago) is a big deal."