14. März 2012 Lesezeit: 2 Min.

Musikbusinessnews: Turntable.fm, GEMA, simfy, Path, Live Nation, VEVO und mehr

Weitere Musikbusinessnews der letzten Tage:

  • Guess What? Copying Still Isn't Stealing "Think of this way: if you were a painter and were putting the finishing touches on your pieces for a show, wouldn't it be awesome to find out that thousands of people were so eager to find out about your works that they were clamoring for copies online? Let's say you had some finished work hanging for sale in your own space, but every time someone saw something they liked, they made a copy and told a bunch of others about it -- and then paid you to do more paintings? What if 100 people came to your show and 91 of them liked you so much they decided to make copies and find out more about you and how they could support your future work? Then what? Things would be pretty good, right?"
  • Turntable.fm Gets Its Label Deals Done Turntable.fm einigt sich mit den Majorlabels.
  • Gema zu Musik im Netz, YouTube und Acta - "Sehr niedriges Niveau" - sueddeutsche.de "Angesichts der zunehmenden Internationalisierung bei der Nutzung von geschützten Werken "brauchen wir auch einen europäischen Rechtsrahmen für die Verwertungsgesellschaften", sagte Heker. Die wachsenden Erträge aus dem Internet können bislang nicht die Einbußen der Gema im Kerngeschäft mit Tonträgern ausgleichen. Der Gesamtertrag für Rechteinhaber in aller Welt ging 2011 um 4,3 Prozent auf 825,5 Millionen Euro zurück."
  • Grooveshark geht, simfy bleibt | simfy Mittlerweile leitet die Website von Grooveshark nach ein paar Sekunden direkt an simfy weiter. "Warum empfiehlt Grooveshark simfy? Schlicht und einfach gesagt sind die Betreiber von Grooveshark von unserem Angebot überzeugt. Nach ihrem Rückzug aus Deutschland empfiehlt Grooveshark simfy, weil wir mehr als 16 Millionen Songs im Angebot haben, die du immer und überall absolut legal und mit fairer Künstlerentlohnung hören kannst."
  • Path launches version 2.1 with open API, new camera and music functions | VentureBeat
  • Live Nation Acquires Setlist.fm "Live Nation Entertainment has acquired Setlist.fm, a community of music fans who collect and share concert set lists online."
  • Band Tells Fans To Boycott Its Albums, Saying Its Label Doesn't Pay "Over the years, record label Victory Records has worked up quite the... um.... reputation from artists it has signed. Let's just say that a number of them are less than pleased."
  • VEVO Logins Will Soon Be Exclusive to Facebook
  • Did Universal Music Try To Expense The Costs Of Eminem's Producers Suing Over Unpaid Royalties... Back To Eminem's Producers? | Techdirt "As you can see, the audit shows $3.8 million owed for the missing royalties from iTunes downloads. But also of interest? FBT claims that it never received a cut of the YouTube settlement money -- which many people had been wondering if it was ever going to go to the artists. Apparently not.However, the most insane thing here may be the line at the bottom, in which it appears that Universal held back $2 million in a "legal hold." Gardner notes that this is money held back to pay for this very lawsuit. This is classic record label economics. Everything that you do that costs money, they charge against the artists' royalties. Order pizza at the recording studio? They charge that against your (small) cut of the royalties. Want to do extra promotions? Charge it against the royalties. And... apparently, sue Universal music for withholding millions in royalties? It looks like they'll charge that against your royalties too..."
Marcel Weiß
Unabhängiger Analyst, Publizist & Speaker ~ freier Autor bei FAZ, Podcaster auf neunetz.fm, Co-Host des Onlinehandels-Podcasts Exchanges
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