Ich spreche mit Martin Spindler über die Keynote der Entwicklerkonferenz Google I/O, Googles Ambitionen, die Nest-API und die Lage auf dem Smart-Home-Markt.
Martin Spindler im Netz:
Links zu den Themen:
- neunetzcast 33: Googlenest und das Internet der Dinge
- Everything You Need to Know About Google’s I/O Keynote
- Measuring Not Getting the Cloud
- »The Smarts« in the Internet of Things
- Withings made a smartwatch you might actually want to wear
- Ringly
- The Nest Developer Program is here.
- Quirky unveils Wink app and $79 hardware hub to connect smart home devices, partners with Home Depot, expects 60 Wink-enabled products by July
- On »Full Stack« Startups
- Belkin WeMo Home Automation
- Ninja Blocks
- Berg Cloud
- RWE Smarthome
- digitalSTROM-Allianz
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