11. Okt. 2007 Lesezeit: 1 Min.

Short News 10/11/2007

The Structured Web - A Primer


what is fueling the web of the future is structured information. As we discussed in this post, many different technologies, in their own way, are gradually transforming the web from its current HTML chaos into a structured XML heaven.

Techdirt: Bands Rushing To Ditch Labels And Embrace Free; Are The Floodgates Opening?


more bands are recognizing exactly what a bunch of folks knew was inevitable at least a decade ago.  Unshackle the music, give it away free, and use it to make a lot of other stuff a lot more valuable, and there's plenty of money to be made.  The only sad part in all of this is that the record labels have been not just blind to the idea -- they've actively tried to discredit anyone who pointed it out to them.

Marcel Weiß
Unabhängiger Analyst, Publizist & Speaker ~ freier Autor bei FAZ, Podcaster auf neunetz.fm, Co-Host des Onlinehandels-Podcasts Exchanges
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