Pünktlich zum Erreichen der 15 Millionen User hat das Berliner Startup Soundcloud eine Generalüberholung der Website angekündigt.
See more:
A more interactive waveform player
A simpler and more attractive profile
Share more:
New reposts let your friends, fans and followers repost your sounds and sets for others to hear
Real-time notifications to keep you up-to-date the second something happens
Hear more:
Play your sounds continuously: press play, explore and keep listening
Forget playlists. Sets let you build collections of sounds you like in one Waveform
Find more:
Easier and more intuitive navigation, including keyboard shortcuts
New search with faster, better results and search suggestions
Damit scheint Soundcloud endlich den verbesserungswürdigen Newsstream auf der eigenen Site optimieren zu wollen. Besonders eine einfachere, an den Reblog von Tumblr und den Retweet von Twitter angelehnte Redistribution von Songs innerhalb von Soundcloud mit den neuen Reposts dürfte den Dienst stark aufwerten.
Auch unter der Haube wird Soundcloud verbessert:
CTO and fellow co-founder Eric Wahlforss said: “Next SoundCloud has been re-engineered from the inside out, It’s much more than an aesthetic change. By making use of state of the art technologies available in the latest generation browsers, we’ve created a technology platform that enables us to provide a much better user experience and develop new features faster.”
Unter http://next.soundcloud.com/ kann man sich für die Private Beta der neuen Site anmelden.