Sahil Lavingia, Designer im Gründungsteam von Pinterest, über die Bedeutung von Design:
Design is shrinking the gap between what a product does and why it exists. Designing is not just about picking the right font or gradient. Stop thinking about design in terms of wire frames or visual style; it is about the product as a whole. Designing is figuring out the purpose of your product and how you orient everything else around it. And that means that everyone within a company plays a role in the design process. And that means that everyone in a company needs to learn design literacy.
Das einzige Unternehmen im Computerhardware/Konsumentenelektronik-Bereich, bei dem die Bedeutung von Design als Wesen des Produkts quasi der zentrale Baustein der Unternehmenskultur ist, ist gleichzeitig heute das wertvollste Unternehmen der Welt: Apple.… Weiterlesen