Spotify nahm mit seinen Premium-Accoutnts 2010 71 Millionen US-Dollar ein, zusätzlich zu 28 Millionen US-Dollar über Werbung. Trotzdem nahm der Verlust zu: Spotify hatte 2010 42 Millionen US-Dollar Verlust zu verzeichnen.
Spotify, which lets users listen to millions of songs by subscription and also has an advertising-supported free version, had $99 million in revenue in 2010, a 458 percent increase from the year before, according to public filings in Britain, where the company is based.Its subscriptions, which cost about $10 to $15 a month, brought in $71 million, and the company also had $28 million in advertising. But its losses for the year totaled $42 million, up from $26 million 2009.
Interessant werden die Zahlen für 2011, das ein ausgesprochen gutes Jahr für Spotify bisher war:
Mind you, these figures are for 2010. The company has more than doubled subscribing customers from 2010, when it had some 750 000 paying users at year end. In July, Daniel Ek, co-founder and CEO of the company stated that they had some 1.6 million paying users. Just a few weeks ago the figure was already around 2 million.
Das schwedische Streaming-Startup ist im Sommer in den USA gestartet. Ein Schweiz-Start steht bevor. In Deutschland ist Spotify noch nicht verfügbar.