7. Jan. 2011 Lesezeit: 1 Min.

Was der Mac App Store für Musiker bedeutet

Gestern startete Apple seinen Mac App Store. Synthtopia hat sich ein paar Gedanken dazu gemacht, was der Mac App Store für Musiker (mit Macs) bedeuten könnte.

Günstige Musikapplikationen:

The Mac App Store promises to create a huge market for inexpensive music software.

There aren’t a lot of great $5-10 music apps for a good reason: there’s been no trusted place to buy them and there’s been no way to sell them profitably.

Synthtopia hat die zugrundeliegenden Kostenstrukturen recht gut erkannt:

Minimal up front costs, no packaging costs, no distribution costs and 70% of the profits mean that there are going to be 50,000 apps in the Mac App store within a year. Apple’s got 600,000 registered developers contemplating Mac app development, right now.

Niedrige Kosten und Preise sorgen auch für neue Arten von Applikationen:

More interesting, though, will be the arrival of a new generation of powerful music applications in the $10-50 range. The next Propellerhead Reason, the next Ableton Live, the next Native Instruments Komplete will probably come from a company that sees the opportunity for creating mass market “prosumer” music apps.

The Mac App Store will also encourage the creation of new types of music apps: album apps, priced like music albums, but offering new ways to experience music.

Für windowsnutzende Musiker: Windows 8 wird aller Voraussicht nach ebenfalls mit einem App Store kommen.

(via Tanith)

Marcel Weiß
Unabhängiger Analyst, Publizist & Speaker ~ freier Autor bei FAZ, Podcaster auf neunetz.fm, Co-Host des Onlinehandels-Podcasts Exchanges
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