Gestern startete Apple seinen Mac App Store. Synthtopia hat sich ein paar Gedanken dazu gemacht, was der Mac App Store für Musiker (mit Macs) bedeuten könnte.
Günstige Musikapplikationen:
The Mac App Store promises to create a huge market for inexpensive music software.
There aren’t a lot of great $5-10 music apps for a good reason: there’s been no trusted place to buy them and there’s been no way to sell them profitably.
Synthtopia hat die zugrundeliegenden Kostenstrukturen recht gut erkannt:
Minimal up front costs, no packaging costs, no distribution costs and 70% of the profits mean that there are going to be 50,000 apps in the Mac App store within a year. Apple’s got 600,000 registered developers contemplating Mac app development, right now.
Niedrige Kosten und Preise sorgen auch für neue Arten von Applikationen:
More interesting, though, will be the arrival of a new generation of powerful music applications in the $10-50 range. The next Propellerhead Reason, the next Ableton Live, the next Native Instruments Komplete will probably come from a company that sees the opportunity for creating mass market “prosumer” music apps.
The Mac App Store will also encourage the creation of new types of music apps: album apps, priced like music albums, but offering new ways to experience music.
Für windowsnutzende Musiker: Windows 8 wird aller Voraussicht nach ebenfalls mit einem App Store kommen.
(via Tanith)