blognation Germany » DocInsider Launches Social Health Portal For Patients Annotated
DocInsider is a portal for patients which hopes to bring more transparency into the health market. The platform has a huge database of 300,000 physicians and related professionals in Germany and provides a social layer upon it by injecting the experiences of patients.But the costs of picking a poor brain surgeon are high. They are aware of this problem and they address it via blacklists, hints, corrective answers, etc. – but at the end of the day: how much of your health are you willing to bet on the reviews of people you don’t know?
Ab einer gewissen Masse an Usern kann das durchaus funktionieren. wie eben bei Produktbewertungsplattformen. Einziges Problem: Oft sucht man einen guten Arzt in der Nähe. Damit das funktioniert, muss die Verbreitung einer solchen Plattform überall stattfinden. In jeder Ecke des Landes braucht man die kritische Masse an Nutzern. Chicken-Egg. In Ballungszentren lebende Web2.0-Fanatiker mit zu viel Zeit reichen dafür nicht.
New Video Chat Options for IM « NewTeeVee Annotated
Eine Plattform auf Basis von InstantMessaging-Interaktionen. Das könnte interessant werden.
Disqus Joins The Battle For Your Blog’s Comments Annotated
Disqus is a javascript embed (as below) or blog plug-in (WordPress, Blogger, TypePad, MovableType) that enhances your blog’s comments and integrates it with a fully moderated community forum.After installing, every post you make becomes a new thread in your own forum at To keep it from not being a mirror of the blog, registered readers can also post new threads. All blog comments are posted to the forum and vice versa. Readers can post new comments under their own Disqus profile or anonymously.
A VC: Skunk Drunk In The Sad Assed Backwater Annotated
But we are where we are.We have the following opportunity in front of us; the web is going mobile, programmable, social, and semantic all at the same time. And this is happening on a global scale in real time. In ten years, we will have a completely different world wide web and I am not going to miss out on the fun of helping to build a few parts of it.
So bring it on.
Hell yeah.
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