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- Rulers of the Cloud: Google Becomes the Cloud, Search is a Feature
- Why the lack of copy and paste in Windows Phone 7 Series is troubling
- iPad App Store: Apple nimmt iPad-Apps zur Vorabüberprüfung entgegen
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– “ it seems like the goal here is to create an extra-governmental body that effectively controls copyright law around the globe, with little input from the actual governments or the people they represent.“
– „While you can always expect the kneejerk response from folks who have always been told that copyright must be good, the more people examine the actual issues, the more they’ll recognize that as a tool, it’s current design is woefully misguided and very much against the principles for which it was created.“
– „But free doesn’t mean you don’t make money on your app. It means you need to be smart about your ad strategy. At present, there are four different approaches you can take on advertising, and the best approach will vary, depending on the size of your company, your goals, and other factors.“
– „Since Google can’t control the versioning issue, they can at least control core functions and apps among the operating system variances. So when Android 2.x learns a new trick, there’s a good chance Android 1.6 will learn it too.“
– „This news is disconcerting for several reasons: Mainly, it’s shocking that Microsoft could come to this conclusion after the lack of copy and paste functionality was such a big deal for iPhone customers for several years. Following vocal complaints, Apple finally introduced the feature with the third version of its iPhone operating system. Copy and paste was also something that both Palm and Google made sure to fold into their mobile operating systems.“
– „Nur diese zur Vorabüberprüfung eingereichten Apps werden für die „große Eröffnung“ des iPad App Stores letztendlich in Betracht gezogen, so Apple.“
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