Lesenswerte Artikel vom 23. April 2010:
- OpenLike: All-Star Team to Challenge Facebook's Expansion „One group of high-profile New Yorkers has launched OpenLike, a „very alpha alternative to Facebook Like.““
- Foursquare Becomes More Business-Friendly „Businesses who claim their venues on Foursquare get a dashboard with realtime stats on number of check-ins, times of day people check in, most recent visitors, and most frequent visitors. They can also manage the offers and badges people get when they check in. These include Mayor specials, specials for people who check in a certain number of times, or wildcard specials which can be customized.“
- Unbestätigt: Die neuen Datentarife der Telekom (auch fürs iPad)
- Stop chasing followers „You don’t want a million people reading your HTML5 blog. You want members of the HTML5 working groups and key influencers from Google, Apple, and Microsoft reading your HTML5 blog. Likewise, it’s better to have twenty meaningful comments than a thousand +1s.“
- StatCounter: Facebook, StumbleUpon Generate More Traffic Than Twitter „Surprisingly, the number two social media traffic generator is not Twitter, but StumbleUpon with almost a quarter (25%). Furthermore, StatCounter claims StumbleUpon was number one ahead of Facebook in the US last month, in terms of traffic generation.“ Finde ich jetzt nicht so überraschend. Über StumbleUpon wird selten geschrieben, aber es ist riesig. Vergisst man eben manchmal in der Echochamber. :)
- 3 Buzz tips: Deliver posts to your inbox, disable comments, and favicons for links
- Es gibt nur ein Risiko: das ganze Ausmaß der Veränderung nicht zu begreifen.
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