Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Ich hab noch Sand in den Schuhen aus Daten "Das Jahrbuch zeichnet das schizophren anmutende Bild einer Branche, die gleichzeitig demonstrieren will, dass es ihr bestens geht (und all die Todesprognosen verfrüht sind) und dass sie im Sterben liegt (und also alle alles tun müssen, was sie sagt). Es ist eine Branche, die vollkommen davon überzeugt ist, unverzichtbar zu sein, und fassungslos feststellen muss, dass nicht alle die gleiche Überzeugung haben."
- Woot To The AP: Nice Story About Our Sale — You Now Owe Us $17.50 Großartig.
- Facebook Credits Are Going To Be Everywhere… Including CoinStar Machines Interessant, wie sehr Facebook Credits sich bereits ausbreitet.
- Livefyre Aims To Put Out The Comment Troll Problem; Gets Funding To Do So "In order to dish out a down vote, you give up one of your own points. This is how they will stop commenters from flaming other commenters, Kretchmer says. And it’s not just that. There will still be the ability to leave anonymous comments, but these comments will still be tied to your Livefyre account (users just won’t be able to see who the commenter is), so the point system will still be in place behind the scenes. “We believe in accountability,” Kretchmer says."
- Cross Posting With A Single Comment Thread "Business Insider is using a simple hack to put the Disqus comment thread at the end of their cross post. But that won't be required for too much longer. I expect Disqus and any other serious comment system to allow this "multiple cross posts, one thread" approach to work simply and easily."
- Foursquare Launches Location Layers – This is Big " Click to follow these publishers, check in near one of the locations they have annotated and your phone will get special tips pushed to it just like you get when near a place where one of your individual friends has left a tip." Sehr spannend. Foursquare zeigen immer wieder, dass sie vor allen anderen sind.
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