Die New York Times plant, die Technik hinter ihrer mobilen App an andere Publisher zu lizenzieren, bzw. eine Plattform mit Templates aufzubauen. Interessant:
The NYT is reportedly experimenting with a platform dubbed Press Engine, which will allow other publishers to produce their own apps for devices such as the iPhone and iPad, apparently because they kept asking for a decent way to do so.
TechCrunch: New York Times To License “DNA” Of Its Mobile Apps To Other Publishers.
Aus der Pressemitteilung:
The iPhone and iPad application templates will include the following features:
– partial offline reading and the ability to save articles;
– share functionality;
– photo gallery, audio and video;
– horizontal and vertical reading;
– simple search; and
– device-standard advertising units.
Laut Pressemitteilung will man im vierten Quartal diesen Jahres starten.
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