Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Yet Another Study Says Counterfeit Products Aren't Really A Problem
"With various governments getting ready to finalize ACTA in a few weeks, isn't it... rather concerning that the entire basis of the agreement doesn't appear to hold much water? " - Google Reader goes big with a fullscreen mode and more
- Live TV Is For Old People: Time Shifting And Online Make Up Nearly Half Of All Viewing
"Only 52 percent of American’s viewing time is spent on live TV compared to online and time-shifting alternatives, according to a new survey of 1,000 American consumers by market research firm Morpace. And that percentage decreases the younger the audience, with the key 18-to-34-year-old demographic watching live TV only 41 percent of the time, versus 64 percent of the time for those 55 and older." - Die Bosheit von Google
"Ebenso wie Google Maps andere Kartendienste ins Abseits drängt und Handyanbieter zum Verschenken ihrer Navigationssoftware gezwungen hat, wird auf absehbare Zeit niemand mit der 3D-Kartografierung von Städten Geld verdienen. Das trifft nicht nur kleine Konkurrenten, das trifft auch die großen Datenschacherer und, ja, auch Behörden. Das ist, davon kann man in der heutigen Welt eigentlich sicher ausgehen, der eigentliche Grund für die allgegenwärtige Hysterie." - OK GO über Netzneutralität
- Which ebook sellers will allow publishers and writers to opt out of DRM?
"Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Kobo were all happy to carry my books without DRM, and on terms that gave you the same rights you got when buying paper editions. Sony and Apple refused to carry my books without DRM -- even though my publisher and I both asked them to." - Why working at home is both awesome and horrible - The Oatmeal
- Die ganze Aufregung
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