Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Keine Überraschung: Viele Fachexperten sind einflussreicher als Promis
„Die absolute Follower- bzw. Abonnentenzahl ist eben nicht mehr entscheidend, da wir über Netzwerke und nicht über Massenmedien sprechen …“ - Aus OpenOffice wird LibreOffice
„Die OpenOffice-Community löst sich von Oracle und hat die “The Document Foundation” gegründet. Die Stiftung soll OpenOffice als Freie Software vermarkten und weiterentwickeln.“ - CTRL-Verlust Relaunch
- Yep, Amazon Launching Their Own App Store For Android Too
Interessante Entwicklung. - Social Bookmarking Startup Xmarks Heads To The Deadpool
„In the blog post written by Xmarks co-founder and CTO Todd Agulnick (other co-founder is Mitch Kapor), the startup simply didn’t have enough users and couldn’t monetize the service.“ - TP: Machtkartell Bertelsmann
- Welcome Windows Live Spaces Bloggers
„We’re excited to announce that WordPress.com is now the default blogging platform for Windows Live Spaces users.“ - Former Nokia Manager: My team submitted 500 user interface improvements for Symbian, none got through
„He says that as early as 2004 the company had a prototype with a large touch screen and full internet connectivity. “It was very early days, and no one really knew anything about the touch screen’s potential, and it was an expensive device to produce, so there was more risk involved for Nokia. So management did the usual. They killed it.” Later Ari added that during the same year there was also a demo of an online store that had a catalogue of applications similar to Apple’s App Store of today.“ - Was in allen Zeitungen steht
- The Most Powerful People in New York
„Like all new-media types, Denton has said that in the future magazines will look more like websites. But he has also said that websites will look more like magazines (and eventually TV). Gawker Media has done exactly that.“
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