Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Verteilung der Mobiltelefon-Plattformen bei barcoo
- Evernote, the next-generation file system
- With Antennagate over, is Glassgate next for the iPhone 4? (Ryan Block/gdgt)
- How to Use Facebook’s Application Settings Dashboard
- Facebook Groups: Privacy Blunder or Twitter Replacement? Da scheint es noch Nachbesserungsbedarf zu geben.
- netz:regeln – Chancen und Risiken künftiger Netzregulierung
- Programmieren als Kulturtechnik
- Why downloading your data is not data portability Stimmt. Aber es ist ein sehr guter Anfang.
- Everyone’s a publisher "Barnes & Noble has launched PubIt, a service for authors who want to publish directly to readers — well, directly through B&N. Create a B&N user account and upload some files, and PubIt will convert them to ePub, list your book on its site, collect money from sales, and about 60 days later will send you your money."
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