Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Die deutschen Flattr-Charts im Oktober
- US Basically Says It'll Ignore Anything In ACTA That It Doesn't Like… So How About Everyone Else? "It's basically all a shell game: say whatever you can to get the damned thing signed, knowing that after it's signed, it'll be much easier to apply lobbying pressure down the road."
- Update: Wie viele Zeitschriften gibt es in Deutschland? 369 Tageszeitungen in Deutschland laut IVW. Wow.
- Archive Of Geocities Released As A 1TB Torrent "The archiving is an important point in preserving digital history, and yet it's also a moment of massive copyright infringement — technically speaking. This is the sort of bizarrely bad result you get in a world where copyright is automatically given to any content at the moment of creation."
- EZTV App Arrives on Android, TV Torrents Go Mobile "EZTV Droid is a free Android app that enables users to check for the latest TV-torrents and send the ones they wish to download to uTorrent. EZTV is excited about EZTV Droid and other similar apps and has announced that it will release an API for 3rd party developers in the near future."
- How ACTA Turns Limited Secondary Liability In Copyright Into Broad Criminal Aiding & Abetting "Any party that plays a role in assisting infringement could be liable for criminal liability. The identity of such parties is worrisome: Personal computer manufacturers. Electronic device makers. Search engine operators. Each of these entities could play a role, however indirect, in contributing to copyright infringement."
- Thank Copyright Infringers For Still Being Able To Hear Great Moments In World Series History "So here we have two of the greatest moments in baseball that we only have the archive of the actual game recordings because of people technically infringing."
- Hey, We’re Social Too! YouTube Passes One Billion Follows, Er, Subscriptions Ja, Following ist ein Abo ist ein Following.
- Life’s for sharing "Ich glaube, dass diese Kluft nicht mit Sanktionen und Drohungen zu schließen ist. Die Share-Kultur ist (nicht nur wegen des Telekom-Spots) zum Alltag vieler Menschen geworden (und die Telekom trägt weiter dazu bei). Wer die Debatte um den richtigen Umgang mit Tauschbörsen rein moralisch führt, muss sich darüber bewusst sein. Das Weitererzählen ist ein menschliches Grundbedürfnis. Die Telekom setzt im obigen Spot darauf. Und die digitale Kopie hat das Weitererzählen von Dateien so einfach gemacht wie das Weitererzählen im analogen, echten Leben."
- GoogleTV Twitter App Oh my.
- Are Google’s Local Moves Part of Their Social Future? "Now add in that Latitude is being highlighted as being ‘improved / updated’ and we are looking at the use of Place Pages to possibly facilitate social interaction. Imagine showing where you are using Google Latitude then tying the pimped out Place Page of the location to the ‘check-in’ so your friends can see reviews of where you are along with getting directions through Google Navigation etc etc. You get the point."
- One in Five Facebook Employees Has No Imagination Whatsoever "What’s the point of leaving one unassailable Internet platform where all your friends work for another unassailable Internet platform where all your friends work? It’s like getting a divorce to marry your wife’s sister."
- Apple as mobile phone vendor: First in profit, second in sales and fourth in units
- Man wird wohl noch löschen dürfen
- Freunde ablehnen auf Facebook & Co. – ich tue es
- nebelkerzen
- “W&V” und der Hass auf das Internet
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