Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Why clouds and web services will continue to take over computing
"My long-term view convinces me we all WILL be in the cloud.
No hope in bucking the trend. The advantages are just too compelling." - The Full-featured, Unpublished Instagram API
"Since the methods were harvested from the iPhone app, the current Instagram API has all the functionality of the app. It provides access to authentication, user details, the social network, image metadata, embed info and more. You can even use the API to upload new media." - Empire against Republic: What explains the neocon rage against Wikileaks?
"This is a clash of principles, a rupture in the rules of the game that the practitioners of US foreign policy find astonishing and threatening. And it is a rupture only made possible by the scale and transnational scope of internet-enabled communications. Not content to characterize computers and networks as weapons, the American Right now edges closer and closer to being enemies of the internet itself. Despite all their noises about opposing “big government” they reveal themselves to be completely and unambiguously on the Hamiltonian side of the great American Jefferson-Hamilton debate. The new polarity is here: Internet freedom vs. state power." - WikiLeaks: Networked Action for a Networked Age
"And that is ultimate the power of peer theory – to make change almost inevitable." - Guardian wertet Cablegate-Depeschen am fleißigsten aus
"In diesem Zusammenhang ist es auch erwähnenswert, dass der Guardian die Metadaten der Wikileaks-Cables in einer offenen Datenbank zur Auswertung frei gegeben hat – während etwa der Spiegel die Depeschen lediglich in einer von außen unzugänglichen Flash-Grafik aufbereitet hat. Auf diese Weise entstanden auf Grundlage der Guardian-Daten einige interessante Auswertungen" - Tumblr Raises $30 Million In New Round Led By Sequoia
- Tumblr Raises $30 Million In New Round Led By Sequoia
- Facebook saugt die Konkurrenz auf – Stayfriends im freien Fall – Soziale Netzwerke im AGOF-Check
Das kommt nicht überraschend. - Now You Can Follow Other Commenters On Disqus
Das Feature existiert doch schon länger? - IT Magazine - Zattoo kann jetzt auch aufnehmen
"Die Macher von Zattoo haben bekannt gegeben, dass ihr Live-TV jetzt auch Sendungen aufzeichnen kann. Der Dienst "Recall" zeichnet alle 81 auf Zattoo verfügbaren Kanäle über 30 Tage auf, die Sendungen können anschliessend über den elektronischen Programmführer oder die Suchfunktion gefunden werden." - Ok Tumblr, This Is Getting Just A Little Embarrassing
Das Tumblr-Wachstum ist in Twitter-Dimensionen. Genauso die Downtimes. - How to block Adblock
"People are and should be allowed to do what they like with the content for personal use. You don’t get to overrule my decision to chose what my eyes see. If you try, I’ll take my eyes elsewhere." - So After Torturing Bradley Manning For Months, US Officials Offer Him A Deal If He Says Assanged 'Conspired' With Him
- Three Reasons Google Should Acquire Delicious from Yahoo
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