Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Mac App Store Opens With 1,604 Apps – Games, Utilities and Productivity Rule br> "Physically the Mac App Store looks very similar to the App Store for iPad and iPhone. The similarity of the App Stores however are more than just the looks. Like on the iOS App Store, developers get 70% of the revenue made, while Apple gets 30%. The available content also shows overlap with iOS applications."
- This is the most exciting CES ever br> "At this year’s CES two unthinkable things happened:
The abandonment of Windows exclusivity by practically all of Microsoft’s OEM customers.
The abandonment of Intel exclusivity by Microsoft for the next generation of Windows." - If You Didn't Blog It, It Didn't Happen br> "However, by creating a lossy environment where individual tweets are disposable, there's also an environment where few will build the infrastructure to support broader, more meaningful conversations that could be catalyzed by a tweet. In many ways, this means the best tweets for advancing an idea are those that contain links to more permanent media."
- Aus TouchmeMobile wird TabletBlog.de br>
- Goldman: Still Rogue br> "Facebook is in a box of its own making. It's enjoying being private, but it wants the perks of being public. But it has shareholders whose restricted stock units are tied to it eventually going public, or having a change of owner, so an expectation has been created that it will, sooner rather than later, go public. Aided and abetted by Goldman, it is currently having it both ways. The chicanery is to circumvent regulations created to prevent more or less what Goldman is currently doing. It has created a vehicle, one into which it will invited hundreds of its best clients, and it will then acquire Facebook shares, thus generating more Facebook shareholders than regulations allow."
- ARD-Generalsekretärin: „Zugang für alle” br> "Inzwischen rudert auch Piel zurück. Ein ARD-Sprecher sagte, sie „wäre falsch verstanden worden, wenn ihre Äußerungen als generelle Absage an kostenlose Apps interpretiert worden wären”. Angebote, die vorhandene, bereits über die Rundfunkgebühren bezahlte Internet-Inhalte lediglich „optimieren” wie die „Tagesschau”-App, müssten nach Meinung von Frau Piel selbstverständlich auch weiterhin kostenfrei bleiben."
- Ablaufdatum für Musik und Filme br>
- RapidShare gewinnt gegen Rechteinhaber br>
- Mann mit der “goldenen Stimme” bekommt Job, Haus, Website, Twitter-Account und neue Frisur br>
- There Are No iPad Killers, Only iPad Alternatives br>
- Der Kontrollverlust auf dem 27c3 br> "Es ist ja nicht so, als ob sich der CCC nicht mit der Erosion der informationellen Selbstbestimmung auseinandersetzen würde. Er tut es nur auf eine unfassbar unreflektierte und selbstgerechte Art."
- Firefox Ousts Internet Explorer as Number 1 Browser in Europe br> "Firefox has overtaken Internet Explorer to become the number one browser in Europe, reports analytics company StatCounter. According to December figures, Firefox had 38.11% of the European market share, compare to IE's 37.52%."
- Propietäre DRM-Scheiße ist kein Radiergummi br> Unglaublich.
- Neu: Der Apple Mac App Gelddruck Store br>
- Warum eigentlich Banken? br>
- 2011 – der Anfang vom Ende des linearen Fernsehens? br>
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