Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Hamburger Datenschutzbeauftragter deaktiviert seine Website
- Highly Flawed ‚Piracy‘ Report Used To Support Positions That Are Unrelated
„The report says that there are lots of sites out there offering pirated or counterfeit content. That’s different than proving that those sites are „destructive“ or harm consumers or businesses. In fact, over and over again, when you have independent research that looks at those actual questions, you discover that the actual impact of such activities is significantly less than industry lobbyists would have you believe.“ - Jay Rosen on Wikipedia’s 10th Anniversary
„Today, nytimes.com draws in the neighborhood of 18 million unique visitors per month. They tend to be educated, informed, curious about the world. According to the One Percent Rule, about 180,000 of them would become serious contributors — if given a proper chance. As the Times tries to make its way in the new economy of news, it has no choice but to think about how to tap into that massive group, which is many times larger than the entire American press corps.“ - Vorgeschriebene Song-Entstellungen von der GEMA bei Podcasts
- 100 Millionen Nutzer spielen CityVille
„Das ist ein massiver Erfolg von Zynga, der auf der konsequenten Ausnutzung des Ökosystems von Facebook beruht und durch ein Spielprinzip ermöglicht wird, das Nutzer dazu anregt, ihre Freunde miteinzubeziehen.“ - tagesschau.de holt neuen Traffic-Rekord
- Nichts-löschen oder: was an YouTube nervt
- Wikileaks’ Lesson: Decentralize!
„One idea the article promotes is to make hosting blind. The program is called “unhosted” and it puts a layer of encryption between the provider of hosting space and the creator of a website (a blog for example) as well as the users who fill the site with pages, posts, comments and so on.“ - Read It Later: Mobile Devices Help Time Shift The Real-Time Barrage of News
„According to Read It Later, the app that lets users tag content on their computer to be, well, read later, mobile devices are helping people avoid the constant barrage of information and relegate reading back to the most comfortable time slots and locations of the day.“
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