11. Feb. 2011 Lesezeit: 2 Min.

Lesenswerte Artikel 11. Februar 2011

Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:

  • Could Apple Be Your Next Phone Company? Potentiell disruptiv: "Bloomberg reported today that the device maker has plans for a universal SIM card that I first reported on in October, and Apple is seeking a way to make it possible for consumers to pay for mobile access from multiple carriers via iTunes. The result of that hardware shift and business model change turns Apple into its own mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) and puts Apple, instead of the carrier, in control of the customer relationship."
  • Facebook Now Has 149M Active Users In The U.S.; 70 Percent Log On Daily 17 Millionen aktive deutsche Facebook-Nutzer. 67 Prozent davon sind täglich auf Facebook.
  • PayPal's Micropayment Solution Opens to the Public "Online payment company PayPal has opened up its micropayment solution to "game developers, media publishers, or anyone interested in selling digital content on a global scale." The solution was first announced last October when the company said that the upcoming feature would offer "a competitive fee structure for micropayments, with pricing at 5 percent plus 5 cents for purchases under $12.""
  • What Facebook has done to pages means you can get rid of your traditional profile and just use your page "I have just upgraded my page facebook.com/loic with nearly 10,000 fans to the new Facebook Page and I just noticed the little "use Facebook as Loic" on the side. Hit this and now you can comment and like anywhere on Facebook as your page instead of your profile, that's huge because now each interaction on Facebook will lead to your page and more fans there."
  • Opera für das iPad
  • Froth or famine?
  • Please Twitter, Don’t Sell to Google or Facebook "For every acquisition that has paid off, like YouTube or Keyhole (which became Google Earth), the company has made a whole series of purchases that have gone absolutely nowhere. In at least three of those cases, it bought interesting social applications that could have easily become something huge — Dodgeball, the company that Dennis Crowley started before he founded Foursquare, the Twitter-style micro-blogging service Jaiku and question-and-answer service Aardvark — and did absolutely nothing with them."
  • Why The Daily Is So Yesterday "Bundling a bunch of stuff I don’t care about with the few pieces I want to read is the old-world model, when custom-targeted or on-demand news for each reader was infeasible. But in this century, I can go to a handful of websites whenever I want news, view the handful of stories that interest me, then move on. Flipping through a bunch of uninteresting-to-us content and ads was an annoyance of the old world, like blow-ins3, that we tolerated because we had to — but now, we don’t."
  • Instapaper API Goes Read/Write, But Only For Paying Users "Usually when we cover read/write APIs, the write is the method added second. And usually, if there’s access the provider wants to restrict to a premium account, it is again write access. However, with Instapaper, adding to its database of content is easy. Its usefulness comes in reading content you’ve saved for later. Instapaper is charging for the value they create for users."
  • Warum ist der iPad bei uns am teuersten? Mehrwertsteuer.
  • Die Kosten von SSL
  • Postel’s law
  • WikiLeaks and the cowardice of American journalism

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Marcel Weiß
Unabhängiger Analyst, Publizist & Speaker ~ freier Autor bei FAZ, Podcaster auf neunetz.fm, Co-Host des Onlinehandels-Podcasts Exchanges
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