Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- How did MySpace, with a smart team of people, do such a bad UI/UX job with the new design? Das exakte Gegenteil zu Facebooks Vorgehen.
- Thalia knackt die Umsatzmilliarde, Amazon zieht vorbei "Der Buchhandel ist damit die erste Handelsbranche hierzulande, die die Marktführerschaft an einen reinen Onliner abgeben muss."
- Quora Reduces Inbox Impact With Daily Follow Notifications
- Google Responds To Android Malware, Will Fix Infected Devices And ‘Remote Kill’ Malicious Apps
- The Revolution Will Not Be Properly Licensed "While the copyright industry and repressive Big Brother politicians may not share the same ultimate motives, they are still pushing for exactly the same changes to society and control over our communications."
- Memopal: Online-Backup für Datenhamster "Das Backup von 200GB kostet private Nutzer bei Memopal 49 Euro im Jahr. Im Vergleich dazu: Dropbox verlangt für 100GB 19,99 Euro pro Monat, also 239,88 Euro im Jahr."
- O2-Pornosperre: Netzneutralität trifft Netzsperren "Der Mobilfunkprovider O2 hat demnach eine Sperre für “18+”-Webseiten eingeführt. Wer sich Webseiten ansehen will, die nichts für Jugendliche sind — zumindest nach Ansicht des Dienstleisters von O2 — wird auf eine Seite umgeleitet, wo sich der erwachsene User über eine Kreditkartenzahlung verifizieren soll. Wie bei so einem groben Eingriff in den Netzverkehr zu erwarten ist, hatte das unerwünschte Konsequenzen."
- Downtime A Good Thing: Tumblr Adds Explore Pages
- Foursquare upgrades venue statistics "For businesses, one of the most valuable parts of becoming verified on foursquare is the robust statistics platform foursquare provides. It helps venues to connect with their best customers and monitor who’s checking in and when. It’s been called “Google Analytics for businesses.” Today they’ve become even more useful with a major upgrade to foursquare’s venue statistics page."
- AOL Buys Local Aggregator Outside.In Die neue AOL-Strategie: Einfach das komplette Internet kaufen.
- Should I focus on getting a good UX or getting something quick out of the door? "This raises a question about the order of events in design. Design is a path-dependent process. That means the early moves constrain the later moves. Think about the cycle."
- Minecraft Creator Says 'No Such Thing As A Lost Sale' Kann man gar nicht oft genug darauf hinweisen: "There is no such thing as a lost sale, because a lost sale just means a failure to get people to buy. And that's a marketing issue, not a legal one. If a "lost sale" is illegal, then anyone who gives you a coupon to buy their product instead of a competitors is "causing a lost sale." But that's ridiculous."
- Malware on Android Market Yeah, no kidding: "Openness — the very characteristic of Android that makes us love it — is a double-edged sword. Redditor lompolo has stumbled upon a perfect example of that fact; he’s noticed that a publisher has taken “… 21 popular free apps from the market, injected root exploits into them and republished.” The really scary part? “50k-200k downloads combined in 4 days.”"
- Facebook Linked To One In Five Divorces In US Tja, wenn künstliche (Kommunikations-)Barrieren fallen..
- Mediacontrol: Bisher 450.000 verkaufte E-Reader in Deutschland "Erstmals hat Mediacontrol genauere Zahlen zu den in Deutschland verkauften Lesegeräten veröffentlicht – demnach wurden bisher mehr als 450.000 E-Reader abgesetzt. Die Zahl betrifft nach Angaben von buchreport tatsächlich dedizierte Lesegeräte, Tablets und Smartphones wurden nicht berücksichtigt."
- Twitter für Unternehmen: Communote, das deutsche Yammer
- Zwischenbilanz: Ein Jahr Enquete-Kommission
- Smartphones sei Dank: Das Jahr der mobilen Chatdienste
- Ist das Grundgesetz fit für das Internetzeitalter?
- The Possiplex "The guy who invented hypertext and hyperlinks, Ted Nelson, has self-published his autobiography, Possiplex . Say what you want about Ted, but he has a remarkable ability to coin words. Possiplex is his term for that larger web in cyberspace, since he thinks the world wide web is a disaster."
- P2P as a planetary spiritual transformation, born out of darkness "The nearly universal access to radio, television and increasingly the Internet is creating a community of shared perceptions and envy that can be galvanized and channeled by demagogic political or religious passions. These energies transcend sovereign borders and pose a challenge both to existing states as well as to the existing global hierarchy, on top of which America still perches… The youth of the Third World are particularly restless and resentful. The demographic revolution they embody is thus a political time-bomb"
- Steve Jobs' reality distortion takes its toll on truth "In what seems like a ritual at this point, I watched Apple's iPad 2 keynote in disbelief, noting the factual errors that kept coming up minute after minute."
- Angry Birds knackt die 30Mio Downloads
- ★ The Chair
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