Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Lanyrd: Der neue Begleiter aller Konferenzfreunde "Der junge US-Dienst Lanyrd sammelt unter Mithilfe seiner Anwender Informationen zu Konferenzen, Barcamps und Workshops rund um den Globus. Auch für Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz werden bereits zahlreiche Events gelistet."
- Refashion – oder: Warum lernt Otto online nichts dazu? "Die weitaus größere Schwäche liegt bei Refashion allerdings im Konzept. Das zeugt – man muss es leider so hart sagen – von einer absoluten Ahnungslosigkeit in Sachen Online-Nutzer und -Ansprache, ganz so, als ob bei der Konzeption im Otto-Team keine einzige 25-jährige Onlinerin auch nur irgendein ernstes Wörtchen hätte mitreden dürfen."
- Which Y Combinator company in the March 2011 graduating class has the best prospects?
- USA Today API Now Serving Reviews and Snapshots "USA Today is continuing its march towards opening up more of its data via its USA Today API. The newspaper company most recently made available articles, including blog posts, newspaper stories and wire feeds back to 2004. The latest set of APIs announced includes three reviews APIs and a snapshots API that give access to USA Today’s movies, books and music reviews and its iconic statistical graphics."
- Which mobile users will platforms harvest first? "My own guess is that the next 500 million smartphone users are easily within reach in the next two years without a significant amount of inter-platform rivalry"
- Self-Tracking? You Will "Because tracking our data is so easy, more and more folks are doing it. Some people track only one thing at a time; a few track several variables and a very few track dozens and maybe hundreds of factors in their lives. I've been calling this habit the rise of the quantified self. The idea has grown steadily and I thought I'd provide a status update on this meme."
- Radical Optimism "Much more provocative and powerful is Ridley's larger thesis that progress is real, enduring, widely spread, and for the near future, unlimited. In other words, civilization as a whole is (and has been) experiencing real progress, in most dimensions, and for most people, not just the privileged. And further, this goodness shows no signs of stopping."
- Burned by Twitter's API Restrictions, Developers Launch Distributed Microblogging Service "rStat.us is an OStatus-based microblogging service built by Steve Klabnik and others using Ruby, Sinatra and MongoDB. Because it uses OStatus, it's compatible with Identi.ca and StatusNet microblogs. In order to follow someone from Identi.ca, just paste the ATOM feed from their profile into rStat.us."
- Der kurze Frühling von OpenData "In dem Diskurs, der um das Thema in Deutschland seit nunmehr 18 Monate läuft, ist die Abwesenheit von Parteipolitikern und des Gesetzgebers überdeutlich. Programmatisch setzten sich bislang nur die Grünen mit dem Thema auseinander. Dort, wo sie in der Regierung tätig werden hätten können, etwa in Hamburg oder NRW, ist allerdings nichts in Sachen OpenGovernment geschehen."
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