Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- NICHTLUSTIG Blog – Und jetzt auch für Android "Die NICHTLUSTIG-App fürs iPhone wurde innerhalb einer Woche fast 400.000 mal runtergeladen.
Jetzt gibt's die App auch für Android:" - How big is Google, really? "Even if you subtract China, which again might not be entirely fair to Google, that would put the user base close to 1.5 billion."
- Kommentar: Netzsperren sind erstmal beerdigt
- The truth about data: Once it's out there, it's hard to control Was @mspro immer sagt.
- Zeitungssterben – eine deutsche Realität "Leserverlust bedeutet in der Folge Anzeigenverlust. Und gemeinsam folgt das Zeitungssterben. Da ist die “Frankfurter Rundschau” nur der Anfang – es wird noch sehr viel düsterer werden, als die meisten Vertreter der Print-Branche derzeit glauben."
- Scroll Back Media "The perfect replication of media in terms of copies is well explored. But the perfect replication of media in terms of rewinding is less explored. As we begin to lifelog our daily activities, to capture our livestreams, more of our lives will be scrollable. I go back into my in and out mail boxes all the time, to scroll back some episode of my life. If we expect to scroll back, this may shift what we do the first time. It is still too early to tell whether the life that is Flickr'd and Facebook'd, will ever be re-examined, but that ability might change how it is lived in the future."
- BlueStacks runs Android apps on a desktop
- Xoom Uptake
- 7 Apps That Will Replace Your iPhone’s Calendar
- Twitter Data Suggests Interest In „The Daily“ Has Collapsed (NWS, AAPL)
- Stimmen zu Manufactum: "Es gibt sie noch, die guten Apps"
- Work For Us Page Apps Suggests Relevant Facebook Friends To Refer Job Openings To
- Twitter identifies the best tweeters in tech and elsewhere
- Facebook’s New iPhone App Adds Map View of Friends’ Locations, Check-Ins For Events
- Band Complains About Massive Downloads Destroying Sales; Researchers Can’t Find Any Downloads
- Why hasn't another product disrupted and replaced Craigslist? "Bad sites with network effects show much slower decay in use than they should based on their absolute quality. (think eBay.) Bad sites who price most of their product at free show incredibly slow decay in use. (think Craigslist). But make no mistake, it is happening."
- Neusprech und Plattitüden
- Carta streamt Lessig-Vortrag: “What We Should (Finally) Have Learned About Law and Culture on the Net”
- In Angry Birds, why are the birds so angry?
- Über die Beschönigung der Lage und des Versagens der Medien
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