Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Foursquare Shifts Focus From Present Tense to Future "He said the future is what holds value for users. The location-based service is leveraging the wealth of data it has gathered on the movement history of its users into a service that explains and suggests what users can do next. You’re seeing that with the latest update to Foursquare, which introduced the Explore recommendation feature, a suggestion engine built off a user’s previous check-ins. "
- Uniform APIs for the data web API-Standards sind eines der großen Themen der nächsten Jahre.
- RP11 – Der Aufbruch
- Showing up "Mark Twain famously quipped that “80 percent of life is showing up.” Running a startup, I’d say it’s more like 90 percent."
- Kindle mit Overdrive: Amazon ermöglicht Onleihe in Bibliotheken "Kindle-E-Books wird man demnächst auch in Bibliotheken ausleihen können – zumindest in den USA."
- Bayerns Innenminister droht mit Verbot von Bing Maps Streetside Klar. Logisch.
- “Media_Gate”: Popkomm 2011 mit Subveranstaltung zum digitalen Musikbusiness "Die Popkomm 2011 (7. bis 9. September) wird erstmals auch eine Subveranstaltung dem digitalen Musikbusiness widmen"
- iOS devices secretly log and retain record of every place you go, transfer to your PC and subsequent devices "Security researchers presenting at the Where 2.0 conference have revealed a hidden, secret iOS file that keeps a record of everywhere you've been. The record is synched to your PC and subsequently resynched to your other mobile devices. The file is not transmitted to Apple, but constitutes a substantial privacy breach if your PC or mobile device are lost or seized."
- The iPad already used more than Linux computers
- Argumentationsstrukturen
- Die F.A.Z. kommt auf das iPad Simulation des Analogen.
- The Search for Internet Intelligence "Who knows if we'll ever find another intelligence in space, but of course that possibility is worth paying attention to. But while finding evidence of alien intelligence out there is unpredictable, I believe it is almost certain we will meet alien intelligences here on earth. These minds will be "machine" intelligences, and thus by definition, alien to us. One of these machine intelligences may be a global one — a mind that exists in the membrane of electronic communications around the planet."
- Groupon veröffentlicht iPhone-App: Papierlose Schnäppchenjagd "Groupon, der Marktführer unter den boomenden Rabattportalen, hat in Deutschland wie Verfolger DailyDeal schon vor Monaten eine iPhone-Applikation veröffentlicht. Damit können sich Sparfüchse endlich das lästige Ausdrucken von Gutscheinen sparen."
- RockMelt aims to reinvent the mobile browser, too "RockMelt launched last November with the promise of a new browser that’s better-suited to the way people use the Web today. Now it’s announcing an iPhone application that takes a similarly fresh approach to the mobile Web."
- Republica 2011 – das wars
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