Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- You Shouldn't Need An Excuse For Having Fun & Creating Something "Some of the discussion goes back to the same old question of the magic bullet. People want to find out what is the answer to the struggles the recording industry has had, and they want to assign way too much credibility to a key example or event, rather than recognizing that while you can pull lessons from all sorts of experiments, there is no magic bullet. That doesn't mean you can't learn from each experiment and pull out interesting lessons and see where they can be applied. It just means there's no universal "this is how it's done.""
- The Android step function "iOS is growing at at least 100%/yr and Android’s second year was 65x bigger than its first. iOS growth is limited by the ramp rates of a limited portfolio of products. Android growth is limited by how quickly vendors can bring out products. Neither platform is demand constrained and hence they are competing for share of growth not for share of a fixed pie."
- Wuala für Android
- Born Digital "I take two lessons from the mouth of babes: if something is not interactive, with mouse or gestures, it is broken. And, the internet is not about computers or devices; it is something mythic, something much larger; it is about humanity."
- Spot O' Tea With That? Flipboard Gets the Telegraph, Guardian & Royal Wedding "Today's announcement on the company's blog brings the Royal Wedding, as seen through the pages of The Telegraph, The Guardian, OK Magazine, Brides Magazine and the Sulia Royal Wedding Channel. Beyond that, The Telegraph and The Guardian are jumping on as permanent content partners."
- Evernote CEO: Apple users are more valuable than non-Apple users "Libin said that iOS was its leading platform for overall revenue, accounting for 28 percent. iOS also topped all other platforms when it came to total amount of users gained per Evernote developer working on the platform. It also led in total revenue earned per developer. Evernote, in the end, is a compelling case for success on Apple’s iOS app store."
- Social Network Pioneer Friendster To Erase All User Photos, Blogs And More On May 31 "Friendster will be repositioned as a social entertainment site for people to play games and music, and that it will leverage Facebook Connect."
- TreatFeed: Wann lässt sich mit Produkttipps Geld verdienen? "Was Treatfeed im Unterschied zu den vielen anderen (Cashback- und provisionsbasierten Diensten) gut macht, ist, dass es nicht direkt Geld ausschüttet, sondern mit einlösbaren Treuepunkten arbeitet. Dadurch lässt sich der Sammeltrieb vom rein monetären Anreiz trennen und beides unabhängig voneinander aussteuern."
- Social Newsreader für das iPad: News.me stellt Flipboard in den Schatten Flipboards Geschäftsmodell ergibt mehr Sinn. "Nach einer siebentägigen Testphase kostet News.me 0,79 Euro pro Woche"
- A Few Things I’ve Learned From My 260,000 Fan Facebook Page
- What I Think I Know About Journalism
- We’re In The Middle Of A Terrible Blubble! "If there’s any evidence of said bubble all the press will eat it up. Mostly because they were out buying Internet stocks in 2000 instead of doing their jobs and reporting on the fairly obvious signals that the Nasdaq was about to implode. They won’t get caught with their pants down and their hand out again. Declare a bubble early and declare it often."
- They’ll always pay premium for the traditional experience Spot on.
- Facebook Releases Updates to Groups, New “Send” Button Social Plugin for Private Sharing From Off-Site "Facebook has just released several new updates for its Groups product, including photo album sharing and Questions publishing, in-Group search, and admin approval for new members. Facebook says that over 50 million Groups have been created since the product’s launch in October 2010."
- Digitale Sicherheit: Das Recht auf Vernetzung – Digitales Denken – Feuilleton – FAZ.NET "Die digitale Welt ist Chance und Risiko zugleich. Je mehr Verantwortung wir übernehmen, desto weniger bedrohlich wird die digitale Welt für jeden Einzelnen. Eine Stellungnahme von Bundesjustizministerin Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger."
- Samsung Fires Back After Apple Launches Patent Nuclear War; Sues Over Five Patents In Three Countries
- Da sitzen die, die schon immer da sitzen
- Redcoon soll Media Markt und Saturn richtig Dampf machen
- Facebook Climbs Toward 700 Million Users Worldwide, With Steady Growth in the US
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