Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Who Is Winning the TV Check-In War? "As you can see, GetGlue is clearly leading the pack here, clocking significantly more check-ins than Miso. Tunerfish, which belongs to Comcast, hardly sees any activity at all anymore, despite relaunching twice last year."
- Taxes, syndication, and web traffic "This is why I think that publishers are misguided when they complain about sites like the Huffington Post aggregating their content and linking back to them. It’s true that most readers of a HuffPo piece won’t follow the link to the original source — but that’s fine. They probably wouldn’t have read the original story anyway. Instead, HuffPo readers are getting exposure to that news source in a place and in a style that suits them. And HuffPo is giving that news source valuable Google juice, to boot. Which means that next time there’s a surge in Google searches on a given topic, the news source is likely to get more traffic."
- The TechCrunch and HackerNews effect on Zwapp
- Latest Wikileaks Release Shows How US Completely Drove Canadian Copyright Reform Efforts "With Wikileaks State Department cables showing how much the US influenced copyright policy in Sweden and in Spain, it shouldn't really be much of a surprise that the US unduly influenced copyright policy elsewhere as well. The latest Wikileaks report confirms what pretty much everyone knew already: copyright reform in Canada was driven mainly by US interests."
- Jack Dorsey Shares Some Big Square Numbers: 341,688 Readers Shipped, $137M Total Flow "on March 2, Square was processing $1 million per day. Now, less than two months later, it’s doubled that, with $2 million in processed payments today alone"
- Basic Thinking jammert über Google "Für mich sieht das eher aus wie: "Hey, wir haben Scheiße gebaut und sind jetzt zu blöd zu erkennen, dass man dafür bestraft wird"."
- Die ersten Videos der re:publica´11 sind online
- Zwischenbericht für die Enquete-Kommission enttäuscht
- When exceptional growth is not an exception
- NICHTLUSTIG Blog – Werbung und Cartoons einbinden "Dabei gibt es keine Begrenzung, wie viele Cartoons Ihr auf diese Weise einbinden könnt. Wenn Ihr ausdauernd im Klicken seid, könnt Ihr gerne über 1000 Cartoons auf Eurer Webseite einbinden. Ich hoffe, dass die Cartoons dadurch an ganz neuen Orten im Internet auftauchen und Leute erreichen, die NICHTLUSTIG noch gar nicht kennen."
- How to beat Apple "I can't remember if this is my own theory or I read about this on Daring Fireball or something, but the Apple products & services that Apple does well are the ones that Steve Jobs uses (or cares about) and the ones he doesn't use/care about are less good (or just plain bad). Jobs uses Keynote and it's very good…but I'm pretty sure Jobs never has had to schedule his own appointments with iCal so that program is less good. Cloud apps and social apps are at the top of this list for a reason…I just don't think Jobs cares about those things. I mean, he cares, but there's not a lot of passion there…they aren't a priority for him so he doesn't really know how to think about them and attack those problems."
- Partnersuche im Netz: Loverty will Online-Dating demokratisieren Sehr, sehr eigenartiger Artikel.
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