Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Wer sieht überhaupt meine Facebook Status Updates? "Bis zu 75 % der Nutzer, denen eine Seite “gefällt”, sehen also neue Beiträge überhaupt nicht."
- Retab – Feed-Reader für Android-Tablets Puh, sieht das hässlich aus.
- Breaking free: Yammer announces embeddable activity feeds "The company is also releasing an open graph protocol that is, again, similar to Facebook’s open graph protocol. The feature basically adds “like” buttons and a number of other ways to interact with a piece of content that links back to Yammer. That can include commenting, sharing or interacting with it in additional ways. Facebook pioneered this by adding a “like” and “share” buttons to many sites across the web — Yammer is basically trying to do the same thing for any site within a company’s intranet."
- Young Ex-Googlers Explain Why They Left to Do a Social Start-up Da liegt das Problem in Googles Social-Strategien: "Plus, Baum added, “The biggest thing we got by not doing this with Google is access to Facebook Connect– which is pretty hard to do within Google.”"
- heise online – Kino.to für UPC-Kunden gesperrt
- daten auf karten "nochmal kurz zurück zu raul krauthausen. sein projekt zeigt auch, wie grandios qype gescheitert ist. dass man für die barrierefreiheit quasi qype neu programmieren muss, bzw. dass qype es nicht erlaubt die orte nach kriterien wie barrierefreiheit ordentlich zu filtern, zeigt wie sehr qype sich verzettelt hat. hätte qype eine offene schnittstelle die das erstellen von qype-klonen wie wheelmap auf basis von qype bequem erlaubte, zum beispiel indem vorhandene qype-daten sauber gefiltert auslesbar wären und neue daten, wie barrierefreiheitdetails oder eine rollstuhlgerechtigkeitsampel die vorhandenen daten anreichern könnten, dann gäbe es wahrscheinlich schon einige solcher klone. gibts aber nicht."
- Open Data: Wieso wir Daten lieben lernen sollten
- Books from 16th and 17th centuries now in full-color view
- Dropbox Changes Description of How Files Are Encrypted
- Yale opens up image library, starts with 250,000 free images "Yale is making high-resolution images from its cultural collections available on a free, open access basis. They've started by uploading 250,000 images, with lots more to follow."
- Kevin Spacey Threatens Musician For Offering Album Called 'Kevinspacey' "He's retitled the album as "Evinspacey.""
- MOO Launches Business Card Creation Portal For Small Businesses MOO ist großartig. "MOO is a popular tool among small businesses and freelancers for creating and ordering high-quality business cards based on a pre-made design template or from one's own artwork. Graphic designers, photographers and others with visually distinctive products can have their cards printed up with up to 100 unique images on each card. "
- Netflix Now The Largest Single Source of Internet Traffic In North America
- Alt Search Engine blekko Partners with Flipboard for RSS Search Flipboard wird immer spannender: "But unlike with traditional RSS readers, like Google Reader, for example, the feeds will not be displayed in the typical inbox-like view often associated with feed-reading services. Instead, the feeds will be displayed in Flipboard's magazine-like format for a more visually attractive experience."
- San Francisco’s real multi-billion-dollar war. Hint, it’s not Amazon vs Google. Why isn’t Techcrunch covering it? "But don’t look at these companies one-by-one. It’s clear there’s a new movement and it’s radically changing how we work. Add in Google’s Docs and Spreadsheets, Sococo’s new virtual office, Twilio’s new phone APIs, amongst many other examples and you see this is the real San Francisco multi-billion-dollar war that hasn’t gotten good coverage in the tech press."
- UPDATE: Was ist los in Spanien und was bedeuten #15m #15mani #democraciarealya und #spanishrevolution – rafaelwv's posterous
- simfy erhält 10 Mio. Euro, plant Internationalisierung noch in 2011
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