Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- John Perry Barlow Tells Copyright Maximalists That They’ve Got The Fundamentals Wrong „When people like myself and others talk about why copyright is not that important, and that there are all sorts of other ways to make money, we’re always hit back with the „but it costs money to make this stuff!“ Those who suck off the teat of the old system are so fundamentally wedded to the idea that you must have copyright to make money that they entirely miss the fact that we are talking about ways to make money.“
- ‚New‘ ACTA Version Published, EC Pushes For Signing „However, the European Parliament, which has been much more skeptical of ACTA from the beginning, is apparently still skeptical, and would like to take the shocking step of actually making sure that ACTA doesn’t go against existing EU laws. The EC has simply declared that it is, and would rather that the Parliament not actually confirm this. Hopefully, the Parliament doesn’t cave in to EC pressure, and actually takes the time to make sure that anything it signs is appropriate.“
- Facebook’s New Desktop Software Team Could Build Apps to Report Media Consumption „Facebook is accepting applications from engineers to join a new desktop software team at its Seattle office. The responsibilities of the “Software Engineer, Desktop Software” position we noticed last week include creating Mac and/or Windows desktops apps and building server-side APIs.“
- Platforms and Lock-in „Any platform provides some degree of lock-in. APIs lock a developer into a particular interaction mode. When I use Flickr’s API, I make decisions that lock me into that platform. I can support others, but each is a certain amount of work and the switching costs can be quite high depending on the depth of the API. Similarly, when I build an app for Facebook, it only works there. I can architect things so that I can redeploy on other platforms, but that’s work that locks me in.“
- Developer Creates Tool to Bring RSS Back to Twitter „technical users can host their own copy of Twitter API 2 RSS and then subscribe to the resulting feeds in Google Reader or any other RSS reader application. However, the code is not yet available as a service for end users at this time.“
- Greylock Partners Launches $160 Million Tech Fund For Europe And Israel „Greylock is best known for its stakes in Facebook, Groupon and LinkedIn and European investments including Wonga.“
- Empire Avenue: Ein amüsanter Zeitfresser Empire Avenue wird wie auch Hashable und co. irgendwann wieder verschwinden.
- Can We Kill Off This Myth That The Internet Is A Wild West That Needs To Be Tamed? | Techdirt
- Net ohne Inter: Iran plant Netz-Abkopplung
- Iran baut nationales „Halal Internet“ auf
- PayPal Files Trade Secret Lawsuit Against Google And Two Ex-Employees „PayPal filed a lawsuit against Google today, alleging that Osama Bedier, a key employee who was working on mobile payments at PayPal left for Google, and misappropriated PayPal trade secrets on his way out the door. „
- Coming soon: make your phone your wallet „Today in our New York City office, along with Citi, MasterCard, First Data and Sprint, we gave a demo of Google Wallet, an app that will make your phone your wallet. You’ll be able to tap, pay and save using your phone and near field communication (NFC). We’re field testing Google Wallet now and plan to release it soon.“
- Extensive Notes Is a Ridiculously Full Featured Note-Taking App for Android
- If You Click the First Link in a Wikipedia Article, the First After That, and So On, You’ll Arrive at “Philosophy”
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