Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- The Guardian draws a line in the sand: Digital comes first "“We’ve still got time to do something transformative, rather than just sitting around waiting for the crisis to occur,” he said."
- kino.to – Kriminalisierung und Kriminalität im Internet
- ¶ Tumblr is the Next Great Social Network "Consider this: over breakfast last week Mark Coatney from Tumblr shared with me that most of the platform’s billions of page views take place inside the dashboard rather than on the individual domains. That means that Tumblr is less like Wordpress and more like Twitter or Facebook - a social network for content rather than a blogging platform."
- YouTube-Streit: Deutschlandchefs von Universal und Sony Music greifen GEMA hart an "“Man darf sich die Frage stellen, warum eine Einigung zwischen Verwertungsgesellschaften und YouTube in vielen Musikmärkten möglich ist, nicht aber in Deutschland, dem wichtigsten Markt Europas”, sagt Frank Briegmann, der Deutschland-Chef von Universal Music, zu SPIEGEL ONLINE."
- wired
- Guardian says digital - not print - now its priority - Press Gazette
- Pandora: A journey undertaken for love, not money
- Don't Forget Your Logged Out Users "I think that social services that are public by default and have huge logged out user bases, should "phantom register" their logged out users by storing activity against their cookies and building user profiles on their logged out users. This does two things. First, if those logged out users eventually register and become logged in users, this "phantom profile" can help the user get a lot of value from the service right away. And second, this "phantom registration" might allow the service to permit lightweight engagement without logging in. Lightweight engagement might be favoriting an item on Etsy, hearting something on Tumblr, or starring something on Twitter. "
- Hardwarevolution " Wenn man täglich erlebt, was ein Android Handy so alles kann, glaub man dem sofort, dass man da auch eine USB-Tastatur und einen Monitor dran zimmert und schon kann man losarbeiten."
- Nachdenken über Silvana Koch-Mehrin
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