Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Review: The HP Palm TouchPad "Pros:
Beautiful OS
Strong PIM and media functions
Works well with Pre phones
App store is barren
Performance falters with use
Temperamental battery life" - Flattr teams up with a major broadband provider in Sweden "Bredbandsbolaget will help to spread the word about Flattr as a way to reward creators, and allow Flattr account creation via their portal. Furthermore they are funding the Flattr accounts of a thousand of their customers for three months with 50 Swedish krona (about 5€) per month each. "
- 24symbols launches as ‘Spotify for books’ Stellt sich die Frage warum Amazon selbst es für Kindle nicht schafft, Lizenzen dafür zu erwerben: "24symbols is a new service which opens to all from today after a period in closed beta, offering on-demand access to a library of popular titles in a similar way to how streaming music services work."
- Groupon Has Some Company, As LivingSocial Eyes $1 Billion IPO "The IPO could value LivingSocial, which expects to generate $1 billion in revenue this year, at $10 billion to $15 billion. LivingSocial is the number-two player in the booming discount-deal space after Groupon, which itself is preparing to raise $750 million when its goes public. Groupon’s IPO could value it as high as $25 billion, according to media reports."
- Kurztipp: Zattoo Live TV für iOS ab sofort kostenlos "Die TV-Ersatz Software Zattoo steht ab sofort für iPhone und iPad kostenlos im deutschen iOS App Store bereit."
- Startup Wins Funding For iPhone App To Scan Skin For Melanoma "Because it also asks for your location, Skin Scan is also producing a live map of how our moles are looking around the globe. The implication for the app are very interesting – Skin Scan could end up mapping skin cancer rate across the planet, if it gets this right."
- Facebook Nutzerzahlen: Stand Ende Juni 2011 "Deutschland: 20,91 Mio. (+ 2,4 Mio. seit Mai 2011)
Schweiz: 2,66 Mio. (+ 100.000 seit Mai 2011)
Österreich: 2,57 Mio. (+ 90.000 seit Mai 2011)" - Hollywoodonomics: how Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix "lost" $167M "this is also a great example of why all financial numbers released by the entertainment industry should be treated as fiction until proven otherwise."
- Amazon Starts An Ad Network, Powered By Your Data "Here’s how it works: Amazon uses the detailed data it collects on its customers and visitors to create pools of potential marketing targets. Amazon tells Triggit to hunt down particular Web surfers after they’ve left the site, using tracking “cookies”; once the startup finds them it purchases ad inventory those users are looking at. Amazon uses that ad space to serve up an ad for the marketer it’s working with, and charges them for the impression."
- Some Apps Do Sell: Developer Makes $750K in 3 Weeks on Android Market "Three weeks into its launch, the company sold 50,000 copies of the program, to the tune of $750,000. The app is priced higher than what users typically expect on Android: $14.95. Today, SPB Shell 3D has reached 70,000 downloads."
- With SkypeKit, Skype wants to be everywhere "Currently about 2,000 developers are part of the SkypeKit program, but now that its open to all, the more than 10,000 that signed up initially can join. The kit is optimized for all platforms and devices, and will allow folks to build Skype connectivity into their gizmos and services."
- Have you heard the one about Apple’s data center? "So here’s my guess: I think it’s a joke. The building is a near-empty facility built primarily to intimidate Apple competitors. And so far it seems to be working." Oder Apple geht davon aus, dass icloud explodiert.
- Flugsuche: Hipmunk findet Flüge mit Internet und WLAN an Bord
- Millionen fließen in Musik-Startups Money makes the world go round.
- FarmVille-Macher Zynga vor Milliarden-Börsengang
- So The FBI Can Just Take A Copy Of All Instapaper User Data With No Recourse? " I recognize that they're looking for evidence that might disappear, but the chance for serious collateral damage, including potentially serious privacy violations, seems pretty high. I'm not sure there's anything he could do, but it certainly would make for an interesting lawsuit if either Marco or an Instapaper customer decided to sue the federal government over these seizures."
- Foursquare Lands $50 Million Round of Funding Bewertung: 550 bis 600 Millionen US-Dollar. ok, wow. Foursquare könnte als erstes Unternehmen im LBS-Sektor richtig groß werden (sie machen praktisch alles besser als alle anderen), aber das kommt mir übertrieben vor.
- Taz: Offenbar ganz Dresden überwacht
- Absurde medienpolitische Argumente
- Turntable.fm Really is Awesome. Is it Legal?
- Was die Modebranche leichtfertig an Online-Potenzial verschenkt "Das Verkaufsmodell macht den Unterschied."
- The Total.Chaos Domain Has Already Been Registered? How About Shameless.Money.Grab?
- Ein lustiges Missverständniss der robots.txt
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