Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Die Google+ Euphorie oder Lasst die Kirche doch bitte im Dorf Guter kritischer Artikel über die streckenweise überzogene Google+-Euphorie.
- Why I'm Rooting For Google+ "The more social platforms of scale there are, and we have a bunch now, including Twitter, Tumblr, and Foursquare, the better world it will be for developers."
- Tagesschau-App: Verleger-Klage lässt Downloads explodieren Streisand.
- WikiLeaks Intends To Sue Visa And MasterCard For Blocking Payment "WikiLeaks and its hosting partner DataCell have just announced their intent to file suit in the EU against Visa and Mastercard for blocking donations to the service last year."
- Though customers are few, Windows Phone 7 hits 25,000 apps " It’s put together some great resources for developers and in April, it released a set of tools for iOS developers to help them port their apps over to Windows Phone 7. Microsoft released similar tools for Android in June."
- Facebook Engineer Builds Google+ Inspired Facebook Hack
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