Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Thomas Jefferson on Patents "If nature has made any one thing less susceptible than all others of exclusive property, it is the action of the thinking power called an idea, which an individual may exclusively possess as long as he keeps it to himself; but the moment it is divulged, it forces itself into the possession of every one, and the receiver cannot dispossess himself of it. Its peculiar character, too, is that no one possesses the less, because every other possesses the whole of it. He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me."
- Fashion
- Verstößt der Ausschluss von Pseudonymen bei Google+ gegen deutsches Recht?
- Netflix is gearing up for European launch "Top film distributors in Europe stated that Netflix recently closed deals to offer its service in both Spain and the United Kingdom, according to the report."
- Belgiens Zeitungen, Google und das Leistungsschutzrecht "Google hat also angesichts der rechtlichen Lage die Seiten einer Reihe von belgischen Zeitungen aus dem Index von Google News entfernt. Die Verleger hatten sich wohl erhofft, daß Google auf ihre Inhalte nicht verzichten könne und für das Recht auf die Zeitungen zu verlinken bezahlen werde. Stattdessen leiden die Blätter nun wegen der fehlenden Verlinkung unter stark sinkendem Traffic und haben Probleme bei den Werbeeinnahmen."
- Photographer David Slater Claims That Because He Thought Monkeys Might Take Pictures, Copyright Is His Das wird immer absurder.
- Spotify partners with Klout to get the word out "via Klout Spotify has a shot at getting the influencers on board who might make it go viral."
- France Three Strikes Law Suggests A Huge Percentage Of French Citizens At Risk Of Losing Internet Access "When you have a law that a huge percentage of the population violates, you have to wonder if the law is just."
- French Anti-Piracy Agency Finds 18 Million File-Sharers—Investigates 10 "Hadopi, which began operating in October, has tracked the activities of 18 million internet users. That massive tracking campaign—combined with a (not yet realized) threat of kicking some users off the net—was enough for Reporters Without Borders to list France as a “country under surveillance” in a recent report on the state of online freedoms."
- Textbaustein für Abmahnungen durch Axel-Springer-AG
- buzzly: Noch ein Aggregator für die deutschsprachige Blogosphäre Meh.
- How The Patent System Is Like A Broken Web Cache "The obvious retort is that innovation is different than a discussion. But, that's not really true. So many studies on innovation have shown that it's an ongoing process and that a big part of that process is often communication with others (not even directly about the innovation at hand) to replenish ideas and to keep things fresh and moving forward. It actually has many characteristics of a discussion."
- Paraphrasing/Rewriting vs. Aggregation Es gibt auch deutsche "Techblogs", die englischsprachige Artikel komplett nacherzählen und das Original unter 'weiterführende Links' verlinken.
- The Craigslist Reverse Programmer Troll lol
- Google Docs öffnet nun Zip und RAR
- Twitter Delivers You 4x More Traffic Than You Think. Here’s an Awe.sm Story
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