Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- XKCD on the password paradox: human factors versus computers’ brute force
- Die Interaktionsmaschine
- Apple’s iPad is eating notebooks for lunch
- Founders STAND UP! The anti-copycat revolution starts now
- There Will Be No Files In The Cloud "I was in DJ Woooo's Dance/Electro Turntable room last week. I heard a remix track that was super fun. I hit the button to send the track to Rdio. I went to Rdio and listened to it a few times. Then I went to SoundCloud, found the track and then reblogged it into Tumblr. Not once in that experience did I have to touch a file. If Turntable and Rdio had good links into SoundCloud (I'm sure they will in time), I would not even have had to do any searching. It would have been click this, click that, click this and I would have been done. That's how I think things are going to work when everything is in the cloud."
- Wer Transparenz von Staat und Unternehmen fordert, muss auch privat mit ihr leben "Eine Plattitüde ist übrigens auch, dass Überwachung durch den Staat oder durch Unternehmen nicht unbedingt wünschenswert ist. Die Überwachung durch die “Crowd” wird für so manchen unter uns aber mindestens ebenso unangenehm werden oder ist es schon."
- Gibt es Alternativen zu klassischen Parteistrukturen in einer Demokratie?
- drei elefanten
- Apple Will Give You 25 GB Of Free Storage When You Switch To iCloud From MobileMe (AAPL)
- Informationelle Selbstbestimmung ist nicht nur ein Schutzrecht
- Das „Eigentor“ der ARD
- Sie verstehen nicht
- „Akte“ deckt auf: Alle iPads kaputt "Nur falls Sie sich fragen, ob irgendjemand an irgendeiner Stelle in dieser Fernsehsendung erwähnt, dass es nicht der Gerätehersteller Apple, sondern der Lieblingsseitenanbieter Bild.de selbst ist, der auf diesem exklusiven Gerät den sonst überall vorgehaltenen kostenfreien Zugang zum Angebot gesperrt hat: Nein."
- YouTube embraces Google+ Hangouts for live streaming "YouTube is closely integrating Google’s Hangouts group video chat platform with its live streaming in an effort to make video watching more social. The site has already quietly begun to make live video feeds available to Hangouts users, and it will eventually add tools to improve discovery of live streams both within Hangouts and on YouTube.com, I was told by YouTube Live Product Manager Brandon Badger this week."
- Germany's War on Facebook – Technology – The Atlantic Wire
- Gmail for mobile, now sharper and smoother
- Without Copyright, Hollywood Would Never Be Incented To… Make A Bunch Of Remakes? "we have the very same people mocking any cultural attempts to build new content by remixing and mashing up old works into something new. So I'm curious to see how those same people explain the fact that Hollywood's entire focus these days seems to be on taking old works and redoing them, rather than creating new and "unique" stories"
- SEO: fake, steal and borrow
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